yeah, getting the +2 stat bonuses built in that every OTHER class can add into a ring would go a long way to making it actually useful and desired.
bypass good dr? utter waste for any monk that has 9 trophies. Evil? Unless a large % of new content involves good heros killing good outsiders - which is certainly not a 'good' path for a roleplaying game to go down as a 'heroic not evil' game - it will also be full of 'a waste of time'.
If I really, really want to bypass evil dr, I can craft one of the 4 useless non-Shintao rings I have sitting in the bank after 40 runs and just put evil burst on one of those. Swap it out for a good outsider - then back to a real ring for the other 99% of the game.
+2 wisdom, and/or a bonus to monk stunning ability would be useful all of the time, rather than 1% of the time.