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  1. #21
    Community Member Hokonoso's Avatar
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    the OP asked for an interesting build, yet has plenty of experience. dont take anyones advice (besides the one that really gave you a build like you asked) and just roll the character you want. a lot of good advice has been given even if it was negative as even negative info that is right is good info and better than false info that is positive...

    you can still be a wf high ac paladin tank, and with 5 level ups in cha you can have a really high intim without multiclassing, and next patch paladins get intim as a class skill so that should really help. and since you wont be taking any thf or twf feats you get to play around with stuff like tower shield mastery, combat expertise, bastard sword proficiency etc... but if you go wf im sorry to say but you will have more than 400hp, most likely 450-500 range, if that is too much im sorry but wf are just not gimp in the hp department and it is hard to make one with gimp hp even if you try

    ok joking aside you can make a fun build, but i def suggest intimidate as you rmain focus of aggro since your dps will be on the low side. beyond maxing cha you will want enough int to have 13 with a tome and plenty of dex while putting the rest in con, str wont matter in such a build as you wont be dpsing much.

    and who knows, after all of this you may make something that is sought after so much in groups that people ask for your build so they can copy it!!!

  2. #22
    Community Member fullpozzy's Avatar
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    I did exactly what u want to do.

    I built a DoS WF Pali. lots if trial and error. I am capped at 20. 18pali/2ftr

    502hp no minos
    Intim 58 unbuffed 62 w/GH
    AC 58 no buffs sword and board 73 with ranger barkskin/in DoSIII stance and combat expertise active.
    Still missing leviks bracers (+3)and Chattering ring(+4)
    Possible 80 AC with just ranger barkskin.

    Send me a PM if you would like more info

  3. #23
    Community Member Dylvish's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by emptysands View Post
    16 CON on a human Paladin is good, given the pressures on other ability scores. I'm guessing 360 without gear looks like:

    10 Base
    200 Paladin@20
    60 16 CON
    22 Toughness Feat
    20 Paladin Toughness II
    20 Human Toughness II
    10 Agent favor
    = 342.

    Add gear:

    60 +6 CON
    30 GFL
    20 Item Toughness (Minos)
    = 452
    45 GS Item
    20 +2 ExCON
    20 Rage spell
    = 547

    Anything over 450 is reasonable, anything over 500 is good. I've survived evon1 on 550 even after forgetting to equip my minos.

    400 HP with gear is a bad place for any melee.
    This is good to know. Ive never been very good at predetermining what gear will add to my toons ahead of time. Thx for this. +1

  4. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by avatar28 View Post
    wow, I won't post on this forum again,
    some people think linear and are quite rude.

    Hey Asketes

    QFT and go get a life!
    you're opinion is not welcome in this thread.
    OP, i'm seldom known to be PC but i'll try be PC for this one

    it is perfect ok for you to have a fun build which will give you lots of enjoyment roleplaying your character. however, in a party oriented environment, your fun is derived at the expense of others. consider this scenario, i have a party looking for a tank/melee. you and a str based stalwart defender apply.

    between you and the stalwart i have to make a decision, who is going to be able to contribute more to my party. you have less hp, less intimidate, less ac than the stalward. in short, i'll more likely get the stalward than you. now consider the 2nd situation where i need a last melee. your refusal to put down the board, refusal to take weapon style feats, refusal to have a high strength means you function less efficiently than the stalwart

    in exchange for you having fun, 11 others have to make up for your lack of abilities and compensate for it. you are having fun, are the rest having fun? in many situations like this, most experienced player will have 1 spot in the party for you, the backpack

    as a suggestion, moving this thread to the RP forums may actually open you up to less criticisms than the main build boards
    If you want to know why...

  5. #25
    Community Member Khellendros13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dylvish View Post
    This is good to know. Ive never been very good at predetermining what gear will add to my toons ahead of time. Thx for this. +1
    Yea I meant after gear.

    Currently my Human Pally/Monk TR at level 13 has 389hp with GS hp rad2 cloak (rad2 guard is awesome).
    Projected HP at cap is 529.

    I do believe any melee should work towards 450-500hp as a goal at least. Pure fighters 600+ (my gf's ELF has 600 no gfl coz of ravager set and no hp item, so no excuses here).

    Roleplay is probably the better place for this thread as Aranticus said :P

    You wont have such serious responses.
    Proud Leader & official Gimp of Crimson Eagles on Khyber
    Angryscrews Wiz 20 - Felgor Barb 20 - Brelgor Fighter 18/1/1 - Flavoursome TR1 Sorc 15 - Splatsplat DoS 18/2
    Quote Originally Posted by Auran82 View Post
    Numot talks enough for like 10 people. So yeah, 13 people in that channel.

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