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  1. #1
    Community Member Raoull's Avatar
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    Default Solo Delera's @ lvl 6

    Ever since reading about the Brotherhood of BYOH guild (the only real guild I could see joining, as due to RL issues I could drop from a group at any moment so I only solo... but BYOH isn't on my server), I've set the goal of soloing Delera's at lvl 6, one of their possible qualifiers.

    I actually tried it at lvl 5, but after dying 3 times of totally different things (1 not expecting first big fight, 1 unlucky trap hit, and 1 combo of arcane skellies and interface bugs), I figured it is probably best to wait for lvl 6.

    At lvl 6... it was practically a breeze. I almost think I could have done it at lvl 5 had I persevered more, although my deathblock robe is lvl 6, so possibly not...

    So that goal down.... I'm not sure what a new goal should be, for a soloing newbie clonk.... any suggestions?

  2. #2
    Community Member AyumiAmakusa's Avatar
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    Solo Threnal Ruins.
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  3. #3
    Community Member Raoull's Avatar
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    Hmm.... perhaps. I'm P2P, so I have to choose which adventure packs to buy. That one wasn't rated as well as some others (in the big review of all adventure packs thread), and gear wise, it has some nice stuff but nothing I really need.
    (For quests I haven't done, I only read the spoilers of what gear is available... for determining what to run, and especially which packs to buy...)

    What lvl would make it a good challenge? I notice the top lvl is 10, making me think I'll need to be about lvl 8....

    I think I'll run Delera's and Sentinals for a bit (I bought both of those for the gear mainly) and maybe even try Delera's on Hard at lvl 7. I'm not sure what lvl I'll be after a few runs of those, but maybe I'll pick up the Threnal series and give it a shot either late in lvl 7 or lvl 8...

  4. #4
    Community Member Buggss's Avatar
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    So you can get hirelings to do the 2 man lever/gate part now?
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  5. #5
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    are you using a hireling? or did you just use one for the lever in part II?

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  6. #6
    Community Member Visty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buggss View Post
    So you can get hirelings to do the 2 man lever/gate part now?
    why just now?
    you always could do that
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raoull View Post
    Ever since reading about the Brotherhood of BYOH guild (the only real guild I could see joining, as due to RL issues I could drop from a group at any moment so I only solo... but BYOH isn't on my server), I've set the goal of soloing Delera's at lvl 6, one of their possible qualifiers.

    I actually tried it at lvl 5, but after dying 3 times of totally different things (1 not expecting first big fight, 1 unlucky trap hit, and 1 combo of arcane skellies and interface bugs), I figured it is probably best to wait for lvl 6.

    At lvl 6... it was practically a breeze. I almost think I could have done it at lvl 5 had I persevered more, although my deathblock robe is lvl 6, so possibly not...

    So that goal down.... I'm not sure what a new goal should be, for a soloing newbie clonk.... any suggestions?
    Not a hard solo, but it looks like your new so gratz.

    I think Gwylans Stand (spelling?) and/or Tear of Dhakan (again spelling?) would be good f2p challenges for the budding solo player.

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  8. #8
    Community Member Buggss's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Visty View Post
    why just now?
    you always could do that

    Uska asked too, you can't just preach to me, tell Uska too!

    Spread enough rep around yet btw Visty?
    <------Pay no attention to the join date, played pre-launch in EU & moved to U.S. servers.

  9. #9
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    Proof is in the Poison on Elite. As a solo (meaning no hireling) it's a great test of your ability to manage agro and resources (only one shrine available). Also, since no special class abilities are needed to complete the quest, it's a good challenge for characters of all types when done at level (assuming they're not twinked to the max). As a clonk though I think the final battle will be your make or break point for that one.

    Gwylans is always fun as well although, as with Proof, I think you'll have a pretty easy time of everything but the final battle on a clonk.

    Tear is also a great test of your game skills and I think the first example of a dungeon where there are respawning enemies in certain areas you've cleared so you can't just sit around.

    Lvl 8 has some great quests to try and solo. Caverns of Korromar and Stormcleave are both good tests of your solo capability (though as a clonk you are well suited for Caverns).

    You're off to a great start for newbie player. Kudos for your initiative and efforts to be a self-sufficient character. That will only make you that much stronger as a party player.
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  10. #10
    Community Member Raoull's Avatar
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    I don't use hirelings normally. For Delera, I only used one for the lever. I'll also occasionally use a hireling to get past a rune or something similar.

    I'm newish... Started a cleric that I bailed on at lvl 2 cause he was horrible. Played a F1ClericX to lvl 7 before he got 400 favor to unlock drow, and now I'm playing a drow M1C5. But.... my gear probably looks like I have other toons, because I do work the auction hall a bit.

    And having done Proof (just normal) at like lvl 5 on my F1CX... Oof... that must be a quite something on Elite. I think I'll need lvl 7 to attempt that one, for prot cloaks and Radiant burst... Still, that seems a good goal. Hopefully I can find the time to unlock the elite though, I don't often have long enough to play in one sitting for that one....

    I don't solo in an attempt to be self sufficient... I solo since as a father of a toddler and a infant, hitting X and bailing at a moments notice is always a real possibility. I expect to more or less only solo until that is no longer the case... but that will be a while...

  11. #11
    Community Member Raoull's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raoull View Post
    And having done Proof (just normal) at like lvl 5 on my F1CX... Oof... that must be a quite something on Elite. I think I'll need lvl 7 to attempt that one, for prot cloaks and Radiant burst... Still, that seems a good goal. Hopefully I can find the time to unlock the elite though, I don't often have long enough to play in one sitting for that one....
    Errr... I take that back. On a whim I went to try it, and it was a snap. Probably just the difference between my clonk and my Fcleric but on normal it wasn't bad at all (perhaps its the difference between lvl 6 and lvl 5.... but I think drastically different reflex saves are more likely....). I did it in only about 50 minutes, compared to around 2 hours the last time around. So I'll definitely be trying Elite Proof by lvl 7. We'll see how Hard Proof on lvl 6 goes....
    Last edited by Raoull; 09-08-2010 at 07:40 PM.

  12. #12
    Community Member vVAnjilaVv's Avatar
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    The Pit, if u haven't done it already...should be pretty challenging for a level 6.

  13. #13
    Founder Sani_Medicor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uska View Post
    are you using a hireling? or did you just use one for the lever in part II?
    I wish I could find a way to do the 4 plates to open the doors on Xorian Cipher solo! lol I got aggravated by a group that wouldn't run it without a healer and did the first two keys by myself. lol

    By the way, I knew I had a good build when I soloed Gwylan's Stand easily. A group turned me down and I raced them through it and won! lol
    Last edited by Sani_Medicor; 09-09-2010 at 02:00 AM.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sani_Medicor View Post
    I wish I could find a way to do the 4 plates to open the doors on Xorian Cipher solo! lol I got aggravated by a group that wouldn't run it without a healer and did the first two keys by myself. lol

    By the way, I knew I had a good build when I soloed Gwylan's Stand easily. A group turned me down and I raced them through it and won! lol
    yeah thats to bad I did the same thing on GS with my monk not sure if that quest has gotten easier or we all have just ran it so much that it seems easy

    Beware the Sleepeater

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sani_Medicor View Post
    I wish I could find a way to do the 4 plates to open the doors on Xorian Cipher solo! l
    It s possible to solo it.

  16. #16
    Community Member Tsuarok's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Camarde View Post
    It s possible to solo it.
    cool use of flesh to stone. I assume other forms of long lasting CC would work as well. I've always seen ppl kill a mob on the plates and just book it to the next before it disappears.

  17. #17
    Community Member Raoull's Avatar
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    Well.... as a lvl 6 Clonk, Proof is in the Poison is way too tough for me on elite. I did it on Hard without too much difficulty. I tried Kobold Assault on Elite for a sort of warm up... but I couldn't even do that one. Swarms of Kobolds... no sweat. I tried twice, and at around 100 killed, while doing great on my mana and other resources, I'd start getting Harried, and then it would go downhill fast.

    Does harried affect your ability to fight, or only your ability to run away? It seemed to me, that once you're harried you're pretty much screwed... as I started having all sorts of issues at that point.

    But... I figured in Proof I could control the pacing of the aggro, so that wouldn't be a problem.

    I only cleared out the first section (to where I could pull the lever) but bailed at that point. I had to heal too many times in that fight alone to handle the resource attrition that was that quest, even with a stack of pots & wands (which I fully expected to burn a ton of... I figure I gather them during normal quests where I never need them, I can burn them during elites...). Too many crits, too much missing, I got hit more, and even with the electrical resist I was putting on, their lightning was taking off chunks of HPs.

    I'll try again at lvl 7. At that point I get radiant servant, and a few spells go up a tick (nightshield, shield of faith...) and I can wear a resist-lightning or acid cloak as needed.

    Annoying... especially because I probably could have lvled by now had I tried to do so. I don't often get time to go through something like Proof (especially twice as I had to unlock it), but it was worth a try. Definitely quite a measuring stick... Elite Proof at lvl 6 is a beating.

  18. #18
    Community Member vVAnjilaVv's Avatar
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    I actually use this as my soloing formula......

    NORMAL-complete at level or one level XP penalties.

    HARD-do at four levels above quest level....less scaling, 50% xp loss isn't too bad as the quest becomes a bit more difficult.

    ELITE-I do these at 5 levels above....I don't lose everything on optionals that way and I still get nice XP with the first time bonus. Elite quests can be very difficult to solo especially when u start getting to higher levels. IMO...the time u would spend trying to solo something that was specifically meant for a party of four on elite because there is no scaling is just a waste of time and resources.

    It is great if u want to test your skills in an extreme way, but if ur just trying to level up it's a waste of time as far as i'm concerned.

  19. #19
    Community Member Raoull's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vVAnjilaVv View Post

    It is great if u want to test your skills in an extreme way, but if ur just trying to level up it's a waste of time as far as i'm concerned.
    Yup, that was my plan. I find that normal quests, at my level (or even up a lvl or 2) are both easier and far more rewarding in gear, money and exp than elite quests.

    It was all about the challenge... could I do it?


    But if I never challenge myself... my potion and wand stocks just get out of hand. Yeah... that's it....

  20. #20
    Community Member Cyiwin's Avatar
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    Around level 5 I run Tangle Root. Try it out on normal first, but it's doable on hard with most toons once you get used to it. 75 house P favor allows you to use many different 30 minute buffs. This opens up a lot more quests you wouldn't have been able to do before.

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