I secretly enjoy when someone falls down into the void, so I have an excuse to go down and recover their stone.
What?! When I'm tanking VoD, I WANT all the trash AND the boss on me. It's safer for everyone that way.
As an aside, the only problem I have with VoD (and in many raids/quests/situations for that matter), are the rangers/arcanes who stand at the opposite side of the room firing their spike damage projectile/spells into the boss. They just don't seem to get why it's bad to have a raid boss teleporting around, far away from the main tank, who probably has chains, then kiting the boss AWAY from instead of towards the group AND THEN PROCEEDING TO DO IT AGAIN AND AGAIN.
Some of them are just completely oblivious to aggro mechanics ('bad luck just seems to follow me around..')
Some of them insist on role-playing their toons ('I'm a ranger dude, I'm supposed to range..')
Some of them seem to belong to the school of 'hurr hurr I gots argro off teh intimidaterer' (even though the smiting/critting/raging, pally/fighter/barb can't make him turn.. they must be uber)
Which brings me to this:
For all you pew pew people doing raids and reading this, the fact that you can steal aggro with ranged attacks is because the AI is programmed to have an answer to ranged attackers, whether it's throwing a meteor swarm/delayed blast fireball, teleporting over to you, or ignoring all the melees and making a mad dash for you.
You are only causing chaos by interfering with the establishment of aggro and jeopardising the completion of the raid by persisting to do it, especially after being told. Whatever damage you might be contributing is negated in the time it takes for the melees to pause and get the aggro that you can't handle or survive <ding!> back off your madly kiting @$$ each time you do it.
Every time I'm in a VoD or ToD where the aggro is messing up, I look around and sure enough, there's someone standing right back pew pewing the boss. STOP IT!