Hi all, I've a vet at building different style barbs, i've got the bowbarian, twf, thf, etc.
What I was wondering was what Is the max str build currently with update 6?
I'm not talking about ddo pots,yugo pots, or bull's might pots that you have to buy or farm for. Just looking for a straight up - 18 starting str, +3 tome,rage spell, rage, raid gear etc. I'm looking for a realistic standing str. +4 tomes aren't common enough that every barb would potentially have eaten one.
So far my barb (level 17 WF, THF) is sitting at 56 str. that's
18 base
+2 tome
+6 item
+2 rage pot
+2 frenzy
+10 rage
+4 double madstone
+8 gloves of the titan
+4 level
what am I missing? encrusted jewel, death frenzy, captone etc.