While I'm clearly bytchin....I would like Turbine to take a hard look at who is doing in-game support...They don't seem to know some very basic things about how the game is played or what I'm talking about.
They seem to be in place to respawn bosses (which in almost evrey case I've been invloved with) is faster to simply rerun the quest. Or maybe unstick a toon.
I have had on occasion had interaction with in-game support, and I've gotta say my exprience has been better than a sick in the eye, but less than a snikers bar on the scale of satisfaction.
There are some specific instances I would like to bring up....please forgive me if I beat an old dead horse here...but this has been my experiences with in game support:
1. Quest stuck (many times over the course of 4 years), put in a request.....reran the quest and was underway in another quest when that contacted me about a bugged quest. Ticket closed thanks for ur support....
2. Lost 1 min2 raiper..was asked if I traded away said rapier...when I replied that there is no way to trade bound gear I was hit with the we don't have any record of your item....When I suggested (multiple times) that the check my toon on the lamania server I was banned for 24 hrs for badgering the in-game support team. Ticket closed, thanks for ur support....
3. My latest issue has been ingredients disappearing out of one or more (because I'm not sure of my total counts) my holding bags. First I was told that if I had to know which toon the stuff disappeared from (I loot on 8 toons!!!! OMFG!!!). Ticket closed, thanks for ur support.. New ticket, told them the stuff disappeared from my main toon (I could be lying here but I figured *** odds are I had the stuff on my main toon) was then told I needed to which toon looted the stuff....Ticket closed, thanks for ur support. So I submitted a new ticket (and here is where I get really smart [I was gonna fudge/lie to give answers to all hurdles thrown in front of me] I thought) Was asked the following: Which toon did stuff disappear from...answered, which toon looted stuff...answered, when did the stuff disappear....answered, how much stuff disappeared...answered. Their response was: we're sorry we can't replace items lost in this manner submit a bug report if I want my items restored. My reply to this came in a shocked (and I have to admit I used caps) ELADRIN HAS ALREADY POSTED THAT BUG-REPORTING WILL NOT RESTORE/RECOVER LOST ITEMS!!!! My ticket was politely closed, with the we can't help U, thanks for ur support.
So I gotta ask here does in-game support even know what is going on in-game????
Now over the course of my game experience...I'm like one of those dogs in that experiment (pavlov?)...I will no longer use in-game support. I give up.
The Bytcher~