I met a fellow EU refugee "by accident" yesterday when he tried to fill up a xp farm group for Delera's part 4. After waiting for about half an hour (on a lazy sunday afternoon) and seeing quite a few people joining, asking for a share and leaving without a word when told it was House J P2P, we kind of gave it up (reckon that my hagglebot will have to wait a bit longer to level up further).
So we kind of chatted for a while about the "cultural differences" in playstyle between Euros/US players, or better, if there are any differences. Our main conclusion was that EU playstyle was a bit more "relaxed", less focussed on achieving goals as long as we have fun (even if we wipe), a voice chat which is a bit more "civilised" (less shouting when someone screwed up), ...
But then again, we might be utterly and completely wrong about it .... Just wondering what the remainder of the Ghallanda community thinks about it.