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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Default Getting a new computer

    I need some advice and assistance on selecting a new computer to play DDO on. Here is my list of requirements and issues:

    1. I am in Iraq (COB Speicher, Tikrit to be specific, as a private contract paramedic, not military)
    2. Since I am currently on a company comuter I have limited amounts of bandwidth usage per day/week and that makes intensive computer shopping a problem. I need specific suggestions to look up and evaluate so I do not waste time/bandwidth looking at random stuff.
    3. It must be a laptop capeable of running DDO at a reasonable rate
    4. Suggestions as to the best type of modem for good wireless internet, no cable here (will be using Sniper Hill if anyone knows anything about that)
    5. I will also be using Skype to video chat with my family, but I think any machine capeable of running DDO will be ok with Skype as long as I can get a camera as well
    6. I will also use the computer for other games and internet surfing (within the constraints that I am allowed on a military base) so pre-loaded virus software would be nice, and a good firewall.
    7. I would vastly prefer a company that can ship direct to Iraq and not have to go through AAFES (Military store stuff, they can be really slow), or one that can fed-ex/UPS it to Iraq.

    I really hate to have to ask for this type of assistance in doing the "legwork" for a computer, but due to the internet usage rules I have to work with right now I am in a tight spot. I could easily spend too much time surfing the internet and use up all my bandwidth allowed and that would put me on "the list" which I want to avoid (100mb a month is the limit for non-work related stuff, not a lot)

    I will be looking to buy one by the 3rd of October and hopefully have it shiped quickly. Any help is appreciated

  2. #2
    Community Member Didz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Hi, I´m not realy shure if Apple ships their products to Iraq but i would advise you to check out the MacBook Pro (or white but the pro its much better for only a few extra bucks). I play DDO (and other games) on a MacBook Pro (the new ones) and it rocks; lots of battery (10 hours or so), great graphics (I play DDO in max specs) and absolutely no problems at all, runs everything great.
    So here it goes on your list:

    1-not sure if it ships to Iraq but check Apple Store website, they have a huge variety of shipping methods and pre-determied situations

    2-Specific models: MacBook Pro 13" or 15" (the 17" its just a waste f money in my opinion, the diference in specs aint much and the 17" screen makes it very dificult to travel with it...go with the 13" in my opinion), in my opinion for the money diference buy the extra memory model.
    -You can also check the MacBook White, its a cheaper version of Pro with less battery, less memory...and don´t really like them cause they lok like a really feminin computer but its your taste not mine.

    3-The 13" Pro runs DDO in max specs, so for DDO capable laptop you can´t ask for much more I think.

    4-I don´t really understand this point, but the Apple wireless (airport) its as good (or better) than any Windows version so expect no less.

    5-All Apple laptops have integrated mic and camera that works really great; I don´t use Skype but I use them in Adium and its better than many of the integrated mics and cameras of my friends so I guess no problem here.

    6-No virus on Mac, so no need for Anti-Virus or anything else just surf on the Web safely, download what ever you want and in the end of the day your computer will be ok, I think its the best thing abount OSX

    7-Apple ships via UPS if I´m not mistaken; at least one of my friends MacBook White came from US to Portugal (it was a special request modified MacBook White with more memory) via UPS, it took only 5 days if I´m not wrong.

    So Pros on the MacBook:
    -Excelent computer for its price, good processor, lots of disk space, lots of memory, ...
    -Runs OSX, so say goodbye to errors, bugs, non-running programs, VIRUS, trojans, etc; in other words everything works flawlessly with OSX
    -Vast number of Mac sofware that you can only use with OSX
    -You can run Windows programs with OSX (Wine, Paralels, etc) but not the way around
    -You can install Windows on a diferent disk partition and have 2 diferent computers in 1 (Bootcamp)
    -Lots of battery time (10 hours or so)
    -Very user friendly
    -Great for graphic design (I´m on advertising so great for me)
    -You get a shiny apple logo on the back of the computer (lol just kidding)

    Cons (Yes it has´s not perfect as lots of Apple fans say):
    -Bootcamp, yes its also on my Pros list, it can be a bless or a curse, for some (me included) its a bless I use it to run Windows games and nothing more; but if you use it as your main OS you will face the same problems any Windows user will face so its great and not so great at the same time; plus you will have to restart your computer to change between OSX and Windows and its may cost you a couple of minutes or so.

    -If you are a Windows user you will have a hard time using a MacBook (or other Apple computer) in the first few times, it has a lot of diferences...

    -To play DDO you can´t use the trackpad ; its simply not playable since there´s no way to use right click with left click in the same time; just give a look on the Bootcamp key map and you will figure it out really soon; you will have to use a normal click really sucks...

    So this is my advice; I don´t really know much about PC´s, just Macs so sorry for not giving you more info on the subject; but the reason I don´t know more about PCs is that no way I´m gonna get one after I used a Mac, it´s so much better that I will never change

  3. #3
    Community Member MsEricka's Avatar
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    Jul 2009


    While I won't suggest a laptop to you, the one thing you really need to look for is something with discrete video. Discrete video is simply a way of saying that there is an actual video card with seperate memory rather than shared system memory. This will ensure that games (DDO) will run smoothly.

    Good luck in your search.

  4. #4
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Thanks to both of you for the replys. I am considering a Mac, but I have always been a PC guy and I do not know if I want to change. I understand the advantages of a Mac, but every experience I have ever had with them made me want to crush it with a tractor, put it in a blender and set it on fire. ANd those were the good experiences.

    Any more suggestions for a good laptop for DDO? Or even just some other good advice?

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