Can anyone tell me if the mini-rage I gain from taking this feat will be buffed by barbarian enhancements? Extended rage, for example?
Can anyone tell me if the mini-rage I gain from taking this feat will be buffed by barbarian enhancements? Extended rage, for example?
0Love Life of an Ooze: One ooze. Idiot hits ooze. Two oozes.
*insert axe*
o o
When/How do you get Berserker's Fury? Is it purchasable? Or do you have to do something (3 barb past lives)
Sorry if it seems like a dumb question... I dunno much about TR'ing and all that stuff
4 str and con to rages
4 str and con clickie (30 sec)
1 min+ rage duration based on con
All you need is one brb past life and an open feat.