Quote Originally Posted by KhellendrosUK View Post
I still fail to see how saying 'I like my RL American friends so this is not about that' is prejudice though.
<I am not racist/prejudice because...>

No one else on here has heard this expression before?

Okay let us take what you said and compare to other examples. I am not taking this out of context. I am discussing the way you set up the OP.

Quote Originally Posted by KhellendrosUK View Post
I'll start by saying that I know a few Americans in real life and they are all very polite (more so than me) so this is definitely not an attack on Americans...
This follows the classic saying "I am not racist because I have a (insert minority here) friend."

Here are some other examples for your viewing pleasure:

I am not racist/prejudice because... or Anyway, I can't be racist/prejudice because...

1. My grandfather/relative was from (country).
2. My boyfriend/girlfriend is (insert minority here).
3. I hate everybody or I hate all races equally.
4. I said so.
5. I am not even white.
6. I vote Democrat or I voted Obama.
7. I'm majoring in Liberal Arts.
8. Racism is a crime, and crime is for (insert race here).

Does this make it any more clear?