Everyone hates it.
Everyone hates it.
Favorite Quote: "Why are you being so serious?" - The Joker
(how do I get interviewed by DDO because I have lots of cool ideas)
No we don't = it's a vital part of keeping the economy in check, as it drains away plat.
As a seller, just tack on 50% of the price you want - let the buyer deal with it.
As a buyer, just check the forums if the auction house price is too steep for your taste. If you don't find it on your server's trade forums, then thank your lucky stars that new players haven't managed to convince Turbine to shut down the Auction House. Yet.
"I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities" - Vaarsuvius, OoTS #674
Please don't.
I dread the thought of the 2 million platinum Large Scales we'd see within weeks if the AH wasn't constantly draining plat from the economy.
I don't have a zerging problem.
I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.
Heh. I keep forgetting the AH has fees. Never really paid attention... and they never really bothered me.
Davarin 17 Cleric
Jolanos 15 Paladin/2 Fighter/2 Rogue
Kaethrine 8 Sorc
Daevanus 4 Fighter
Removing it wouldn't be so wise, but lowering it would certainly be an improvement IMO.
Lower tax= more trade = still a cash drain.
Last edited by Aaxeyu; 09-04-2010 at 08:10 PM.
I don't hate it and I think it's fine the way it is.... needs to be in order to keep the economy in check.
~ Pallai, Chennai, Saraphima~
~Shipbuff, Sophalia, Northenstar ~
~ Ascent~
I would only be for removing/lowering it if there was something else to drain plat from the economy.
Keep it. I like it. It is a necessary part of the current DDO economy.
If you don't like it, use the trade channel and/or the forums to wheel and deal.
Former L E G I O N - Now Retired Old Piker
Glork || Glorkie || Amalla || Eryae || Shiomi || Jhaene || Sunmaid || Skydusk
I don't think it's so necessary. I mean, they could easily remove it and add no min level 1 minute haste pots for 5k pp each.
The biggest cash drain is consumables after all (pure guess though:P ).
/not signed
You are being taxed for convenience for one thing. If you wanted to avoid the tax, try selling on the forums or trade channel. I have no problems selling my large ticket items that way (bloodstones, spectral gloves, larges, etc). For my above vendor trash items I put them on the AH for how much I would want to pay for them and whatever plat I get is okay by me. In the end it's still more than I would make vendoring it and plat is easy to make.
Drastically lower auction sale tax. Base auction fee on auction price, not item base price. Fixed.
/Scarcasm on
You didnt give "the COIN LORDS'' a serious enuff a$$ beating when you quested in the 'harbor/marketplace' when you was a lowbie!!!
/Scarcasm off
(just a thought) .....
maybe "TRY" to bring up your FAVOR?!?! ....hmmmmmm
(hint: The Coin Lord's ARE in control ...ALL Sales FINAL!!!)
Or didnt you people read the storyline(s)
Last edited by Akrilus; 09-04-2010 at 09:45 PM.
This is what I mean. To make up the difference, the "Base auction fee on auction price" would have to be mighty hefty, which would cause a lot of people to stop using the Auction House.
Just use the forum marketplace if you want to save some plat... really. Leave the AH alone, we're getting our search feature pretty soon!
"I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities" - Vaarsuvius, OoTS #674
/not signed
Inflation is already insane. Really don't want to pay 5 mil plat + my genitals for a +5 MoPG Khopesh.