It would be nice to see at less one wizard at each level have reconstruct. I mean lets face, all other toons get full healing from a cleric or favor soul. Where is the WF full healing at???
It would be nice to see at less one wizard at each level have reconstruct. I mean lets face, all other toons get full healing from a cleric or favor soul. Where is the WF full healing at???
Sorry, I was refering to Hirelings. The Hirelings need to have Recontruct.
alot of them DO
all the hirelings have spells that they'll use when on agressive/defense stance that are not available for you to click.
alot of the mid level wizards and even some of the sorcs will repair or reconstruct you if you're standing next to them and low on health. Its simply a bit more frustrating b/c you cant command them to do so, and may have to wait a few seconds, or get a crappy repair instead. For this reason, I typically use barrage all the way up to 20.
Shadowsteel [TR train wreck]
Pick up the WF sorc/wiz hirelings if your that desperate, otherwise it is not an issue.