Yazston the Invoker, Nyyarlathotep, Thongo Stonesplitter, Stumpvvater Jack, Iaug Sothoth, Egostu Theman, Hastuur D'Rlyeh,Vehnison Deerslayer, Guendaril Kherras, Khaloss Meierson, Haestan Cloudreaver, YgolonacMember of The Madborn
It seems like you need to be asked the most important question about PvP... Umadbro?
No thank you.
Many Shot is WAI, and is a key feature of the Ranger class.
Since you seem to have difficulty in dealing with that particular class feature - may I suggest either stop PvPing with Rangers, or find another way of dealing with it.
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Reminds me of this.
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Once the update comes out and monks can stun from a distance he will have something to complain about other than me, sorry to all that are negatively affected by his posts, for it was me that created this monster![]()
Ratthlin,Rathlin,Ratlin, Healsavant
Englorious Basteurds
You know, this has probably been said before, but I think I have this guy figured out. The reason he sticks around and keeps making so many PvP suggestions (read: desired nerfs to everyone and everything but him) is that he has gone and played all the games we keep directing him too (WoW, WAR, AoC, etc.) . And in doing so, keeps getting his posterior royally wrecked. Only by coming to a game that has PvP only as an afterthought, can he get the fulfillment he so desperately desires...the feeling of being the best. Unfortunately and sadly, he's the best at something that so very few us care about.
The best at being a pincushion for level 18+ rangers....
In PVP the reality is there is always someone who can beat you due to their class having the tools to own your class, regardless of skill. This is true in all those other games as well.
Want to know what hell looks like for a PVPer in WOW. They get killed by hunters so often they get fed up and peeved, so they roll up a hunter because they think its so great. Then they learn how rogues stun lock hunters to death every time, get sick of that, so they grind out an uber rogue, only to learn about how shaman and paladins can just green rogues sans effort. After they grind out that uber paladin, they get flogged repeatedly by that same hunter run and shoot tactic....
There is no such thing a being unkillable in PVP games. The minute there is, the nerf bat swings.
This guy should be happy that rangers are the only thing his WF sorc has a hard time with....
I know, those other games are balanced and re-balanced to keep it from being lopsided for any one class.
Something that just occurred to me, and those that are more lore savvy can correct me if I'm wrong. With him being a WF, shouldn't he be more worried about Smiting weapons. And, given that the WF aren't technically alive, but merely sentient, shouldn't death ward/death block and bypassing it be a non-issue for him. Meh, probably just semantics or not fitting with lore...
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Dispel is so funny in pvp. I watch him dance and stunn lvl 7 fighters then just jump down and gank him. Play like a dog, die like a dog.
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First ... if the rangers are so weak ...... how come every single post you put up here in the PvP forums your trying to nerf their feats and abilities ?
Second .... Your whining about archers is starting to bore me ...... I have 13 of em and PvP with 8 of them and I love it and believe me "your type" of toons can most definitly beat any AA ... You just need to figure out what works best for you
Loose manyshot in public areas LOL .... Hehe you melee types can be silly sometimes!
Last edited by 96th_Malice; 09-30-2010 at 03:14 PM.
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I'm not an arcane archer. But I am a ranger, so manyshot comes naturally to me. At lvl 14, It was possible for me to beat lvl 20 monks and fighters because: 1, I could hold my own in close combat and 2, I had manyshot to blast them while I was running away. I still died many times though because those people were skilled.
Now explain to me why we should nerf archers, when all you have to do is be slightly sneaky and trip them from behind? They can't fire many arrows on their backs. Or did you not think of that?
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So you think slaying arrows need to be nerfed because the 500hp they deal is overpowered? Dood please.....
Your polar ray can crit for over 3 TIMES the damage of a slaying arrow. What is next? My barbarian can crit for 500+ with a minII GA. That mean I should PvP with a nerf bat from now on?
Anyone up for a ToD?
I find it ridiculous that a sorcerer is complaining about a ranger. Hax, learn how to play your class.
Useful links: A Guide to Using a Gamepad w/ DDO / All Caster Shroud, Hard Shroud, VoD, ToD Einhander, Elochka, Ferrumrym, Ferrumdermis, Ferrumshot, Ferrumblood, Ferrumender, Ferrumshadow, Ferrumschtik All proud officers of The Loreseekers. Except Bruucelee, he's a Sentinel!
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and it may be necessary from time to time to give a stupid or misinformed beholder a black eye." - Miss Piggy
Someone ever tries to kill you, you try to kill 'em right back.~ Cpt. Mal Reynolds
~Peechie Keene~ THAC0
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