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call it naive curiousity, but why would you waste time in pvp? Is there some payout i'm unaware of?
How about no? Instead of nerfing a whole player base just so you can kill someone and be 'uber pvper', why not get a group going and go into your OWN pvp area where there's NO rangers/casters/whatever to kill you instantly. This isn't a pvp based game, and I love it for that.
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Also Hax keep in mind that your race have few disadvantages in PvP.
Constructs are often choosen Favorite enemies (unlike elves, humans, dwarfs, healflings).
And your reconstruction have major flaw compared to squishies useing Heal scrolls. It do not cure your ability dmg. That why you end up without Str.
You want to erease only worhtwile AA skill and give NOTHING in terms of PvP, and Propably decreasing usefullnes in PvE (for sure thoes nasty 50%-100% fort creatures will now laught at Pew Pewer).
Let me trow some idea -> lets double every weapon crit range but only in PvP.
Ok guys now you can stop laught.
Personally they'll never change it for a pvp opinon, I think they center it for sure off questing not pvp. I think slayer arrows are great for aa it's practically all they have. Believe me I know from personal experience lol, to my suggestion to you is to try to ditch the pvp
Okay y'all say no nerfs, right? Fine. You guys also hate PvP so no need to use Manyshot in there right?
My reason for this is there are people who inch their way towards the opening of the PvP area in The Wayward Lobster, select you, and back away.
Meanwhile, you're minding your own business being cool w/ over 600 HP and stuff then zoom! A ranger runs through the door, into the pit, throwing CON damage and Slayer Arrows and Lightning Strike at you while hopping around.
You block, going all "w-t-f man" and try to select them but halflings are so tiny you can't and they have a Mantle of the Worldshaper so you have to throw Magic Missile at them before you can stun, right?
Well they also have Favored Enemy Construct and even though you threw a Reconstruct boom! Slayer Arrows.. like always.
You go up top feeling all "Wow how lame seriously they don't come when I'm sitting there blocking waiting for them they gotta' ambush and run out how weak otherwise I'd own them" and some do and you prove it to them. Most just gank and wait 2 minutes to try again.
Well, if rangers are so weak they need Manyshot in PvE that's fine with me. Don't let it be used in Public Places though.
Otherwise, let me throw Wall of Fire down all over the front so it'll drain some of their charges when they run in.
Also, I used to monitor them. When I saw one from the Search thing appear in a quest I'd be all relaxed. When I saw they were in the lobster I got ready. Now they set themselves to Anonymous and send other people in first to distract me.
Last edited by h4x0r1f1c; 09-27-2010 at 10:02 PM.
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If I were to make a ranger I'd be PWS immune and not rely on Slayer Arrows or cheap tricks.
I can survive this guy's Epic Thornlord with Force stuff on it, without using a shield.
(just not with Slayer Arrows on) He's one of the top 2 rangers on Sarlona.
Favorite Quote: "Why are you being so serious?" - The Joker
(how do I get interviewed by DDO because I have lots of cool ideas)
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Cheap tricks?
Anything a class can do isnt cheap. I like how every single game there are a number of PVP groaners who call it cheap when they die because they cant stand the fact that they cant build the unbeatable PVP toon. They will gravitate to the most OP thing out there that can kill 9 out of 10 other builds, and then get all bHurt when the 1 of 10 strolls in and puts them down like a sick dog.
In a game that actually gets balanced for PVP, its even worse for you because when you do go all out and build for the most powerful thing out there it just gets nerfed due to other PVP moaners who arent playing the flavor of the PVP month getting sick of you killing them with ease. Then you have to gravitate to the new most OP PVP toy of the next month, or understand you will lose alot more in PVP post nerf.
Be careful what you ask for. If you start (or continue) moaning about PVP balance, they will "balance" you as well, and next thing you know, your "cheap tricks" no longer work either...
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I'm kind of wondering why you are so obsessed with PvP? Take a look at DDO's big picture. There are 100+ individual quests to play not including explorer areas. The extreme majority of said quests and areas have things to kill (I can only think of one off the top of my head that has no enemies).
PvP in DDO is basically the same as that hidden puzzle game in the original Final Fantasy on NES. Just something different to break up the monotony of heavy questing. Its' being there really has no impact on the actual game or it's forward progression.
If you are trying to achieve ultimate bragging rights, then maybe you should perfect the ultimate PvP build, because, quite frankly, I'm tired of reading your crying about {nerf this bc...}, {this isn't fair bc...}. If you're doing so bad in the arena then maybe you should stop going in there.
phew... now that I got that out of my system... hey devs, nerf PvP...
Afterthought: Why are there several threads started by you in various forums throughout this site on this very topic (complaining about PvP)? You should keep posts of this topic in the PvP forum where ppl might not hate on you so much...
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just that you know: you CAN use firewall in pvp
you just have to be in the pvp areas and not the brawls
same goes if you dont want to be attacked by strangers: get into your private pvp area with your friends and noone will disturb you
problem solved, no fix needed and you finally can stop posting that nonsense
0Love Life of an Ooze: One ooze. Idiot hits ooze. Two oozes.
*insert axe*
o o
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So, let me get this make yourself a target on the forums, you give people a simple strategy as to how to pwn you, and then you use a HP gimped WF sorc, (because getting over 600HP is obviously the most important thing for a sorc) and then say that Rangers need to lose their most useful ability when in PvP, just so that you can survive...
I sooooo want to give you a +1 for the laughs, but my good sense tells me otherwise...
Well, I'll second your suggestion IF Clerics, FvS, Bards, Wizards, and Sorcs lose the ability to cast, rogues lose sneak attack, Barbs lose rage, paladins lose spells and cha bonus to saves, fighters lose 6 randomly chosen feats, and all d10/d12 HP classes lose 4HP per level. That way, we'll all be on equal footing, no? Balance, so to say...
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I suppose rangers are the only class that can take you on? If rangers get nerfed, no class can take you on, then guess what: it'll be your turn to be nerfed.
Are you saying that noone can beat rangers at PvP? I would imaging that there must be some class that can stand up to the ranger, and your WF sorc can probably stand up to that class. Ever hear of the game Rock-Paper-Scissors?
If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen.