We are going to be opening up our recruitment for a short period of time. We're interested in potentially picking up a few more players into our guild.

We are currently a very high end game content running guild. We run several raids usually nightly with a near perfect success rate with the occasion "oopsie". We expect all of our members to be flagged for all the raids. We also run alot of Epic Dragons. We're not entirely huge "level up" guild. Activity is very important to us as we may be classifed as a "small guild" we are very active and uphold strict policies to insure we stay that way. We are around 28 accounts with currently 27 active players give or take a few. We are also more of a late night guild. 8pm-4am EST times seems to be our most active hours (at least that's when I"m on the most). We are all very competent and everyone knows how to get things done. We stick together and always have each others back.

As far as getting into the guild we have very high standards as to who we will accept. If you're brought into the guild we trust that you uphold those standards of yourself as well as your guildmates which is why we are an all officer guild. If you've seen us around and have thought about yourself looking for a new home that will fit your needs look out for our LFM's and we'll go from there.