Psychobilly Deluxe is a small (approximately 12-14 unique accounts) and active late night end game raiding guild. Guild raids and activities occur 7 nights a week and while attendance is not mandatory or monitored it is highly encouraged.
A typical week currently includes multiple completions on epic VoN6, epic DQ, ToD, and Abbot as well as impromptu guildie led runs thru HoX, VoD, Shroud, Reaver and any/all epic group content occasionally including crowd pleasers like Chains of Flame, Blood Road, and ADQ.
Organized raid times generally start around 11pm EST. Sometimes a little before, sometimes a little after.
Currently we are *potentially* looking to add a small number(1-4) of experienced additions to our ranks. We are not a new player, casual, social networking, or stop-and-smell-the-roses (box breakers) friendly guild. We recognize and applaud the value those playstyles and personalities bring to DDO, they are just not a good fit with the goals and objectives of Psychobilly Deluxe.
We are looking for:
1. Consistent (4+ days a week), high play-time(15+ hours weekly) people who are compatible with our late night hours.
2. Players with solid fundamental understanding of game mechanics who have experience with multiple classes, preferably to level 20 and/or TR.
3. Skilled in the play of their characters up to and including the ability to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat when we try something new and it goes .. ~poorly~
4. Team and Teamwork orientated. We are not the Borg, we all enjoy individual accomplishments, goals, and objectives.. but not at the expense of other guildies.
5. Maturity. We aren't foul mouthed sailors hell bend on ravaging your wife/mother/dog, nor do we have any desire to curb out discussions because we have a 12 year old listening to us. Two thing we absolutely do not allow are prejudicial/racial/religious bigotry and the harassment (verbal or sexual) of ANYBODY.
Currently we are guild level 37ish and are the highest level lowest member count guild on the server. We don't think that makes us any better than guilds above us or below us, we just think it's a good and accurate measurement of the focus and dedication our members have.
If you are interested in joining Psychobilly Deluxe you can send me a PM on the forums or contact one of our officers in game to let us know of your interest. Time permitting, we will invite you into groups and/or raids to help us evaluate you while you evaluate us. Guild membership offers are based on officer vote and member consensus.
Psychobilly Officers:
Jahwny (leader)