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  1. #1
    Community Member Goldeneye's Avatar
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    Default Buying Portal Beating Greatsword

    Lookin' for the best Portal Beater possible for my WF Fighter.
    Paying very well. Looking for something along the lines of: Anarchic Burst GCB.
    I have plat, larges, scrolls, you name it.
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  2. #2
    Community Member Goldeneye's Avatar
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    closed. I did some math. Triple pos greatsword is pretty much exactly on par w/ the best portal beater (+5 Anarchic Burst of GCB)
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  3. #3
    Community Member Khellendros13's Avatar
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    I saw that in chat...that got very busy very fast!

    I would make a dual/triple pos maul instead of greatsword. Then you have a great undead beater. The raise clicky is worth it too.

    I have a dual pos maul on my WF barb and I do use it a fair bit. If you have the scales, may as well make it triple pos.
    Proud Leader & official Gimp of Crimson Eagles on Khyber
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    Quote Originally Posted by Auran82 View Post
    Numot talks enough for like 10 people. So yeah, 13 people in that channel.

  4. #4
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    Not so sure.

    Crits don't apply to the portals, so IC/Critical Burst has no use. Then we have:

    AB&GCB Maul 1d10+5 20/x3 + 2d6+[2d6 o/c] +4+3d6
    GSMaul 2d8+5 20/x3 + 2d6+1d6+[4d6 o/c]+[4d6 o/c] +[4d6 o/20]

    Base damage on the GCB weapon is greater by 1.5:

    ABGCB 15.5 + 5d6 + 2d6(o/c)
    PPP 14 + 3d6 + 8d6(o/c) + 4d6(o/20)

    The PPP needs 12 larges and the last tier has no affect on portals.

    AB&GCB= 1d10+5+2d6+[2d6]+4+3d6
    = 18/20 * (5.5 + 5 + 7 + 4 + 10.5)
    = .90 * 33
    = 29.7

    PPP=2d8+5 + 2d6+1d6+[4d6 o/c]+[4d6 o/c] +[4d6 o/20]
    = 18/20 * (9 + 5 + 7 + 3.5)
    = .90 * 24.5
    = 22.05

    PP=2d8 + 2d6+1d6+[4d6 o/c]
    = 18/20 * (9 + 5 + 7 + 3.5)
    = .90 * 24.5
    = 22.05

    Power Attack/STR/etc will have the same affect. Although when you add these in, the percentage difference between the per swing rates will drop.

    So likely it's PP vs AB&GCB - so you have to factor the cost of twigs/pies/etc vs single situational use of the AB&GCB.

    Personally I think Holy/GCB Greatsword is probably best - plus you can use it in VON as well.

    FYI, factoring in criticals:

    AB&GCB= 1d10+5+2d6+[2d6]+4+3d6
    = 18/20 * (5.5 + 5 + 7 + 4 + 10.5) + 1/20 * 3 * (5.5 + 5 + 7 + 7 + 4 + 10.5)
    = 21/20 * (5.5 + 5 + 7 + 4 + 10.5) + 1/20 * 3 * 7
    = 1.05 * 33
    = 34.65

    PPP=2d8+5 + 2d6+1d6+[4d6]+[4d6] +[4d6 o/20]
    = 18/20 * (9 + 5 + 7 + 3.5) + 1/20 * 3 * ( 9 + 5 + 7 + 3.5 + 14 + 14 + 14 )
    = 21/20 * (9 + 5 + 7 + 3.5) + 1/20 * 3 * 3 * ( 14 )
    = 1.05 * 24.5 + .45 * 14
    = 32.025

    PP=2d8 + 2d6+1d6+[4d6]
    = 18/20 * (9 + 5 + 7 + 3.5) + 1/20 * 3 * ( 9 + 5 + 7 + 3.5 + 14)
    = 21/20 * (9 + 5 + 7 + 3.5) + 1/20 * 3 * (14)
    = 1.05 * 24.5 + .15 * 14
    = 27.825

  5. #5
    Community Member Goldeneye's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khellendros13 View Post
    I would make a dual/triple pos maul instead of greatsword. Then you have a great undead beater. The raise clicky is worth it too..
    WF Fighter - specced greatsword!

    Empty sands - my head hurts atm - I'll review that later :P thanks though!
    Last edited by Goldeneye; 09-11-2010 at 11:30 AM.
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  6. #6
    Community Member Goldeneye's Avatar
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    check my math for me:
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  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by emptysands View Post
    Not so sure.

    Crits don't apply to the portals, so IC/Critical Burst has no use. Then we have:

    AB&GCB Maul 1d10+5 20/x3 + 2d6+[2d6 o/c] +4+3d6
    GSMaul 2d8+5 20/x3 + 2d6+1d6+[4d6 o/c]+[4d6 o/c] +[4d6 o/20]

    Base damage on the GCB weapon is greater by 1.5:

    ABGCB 15.5 + 5d6 + 2d6(o/c)
    PPP 14 + 3d6 + 8d6(o/c) + 4d6(o/20)

    The PPP needs 12 larges and the last tier has no affect on portals.

    AB&GCB= 1d10+5+2d6+[2d6]+4+3d6
    = 18/20 * (5.5 + 5 + 7 + 4 + 10.5)
    = .90 * 33
    = 29.7

    PPP=2d8+5 + 2d6+1d6+[4d6 o/c]+[4d6 o/c] +[4d6 o/20]
    = 18/20 * (9 + 5 + 7 + 3.5)
    = .90 * 24.5
    = 22.05

    PP=2d8 + 2d6+1d6+[4d6 o/c]
    = 18/20 * (9 + 5 + 7 + 3.5)
    = .90 * 24.5
    = 22.05

    Power Attack/STR/etc will have the same affect. Although when you add these in, the percentage difference between the per swing rates will drop.

    So likely it's PP vs AB&GCB - so you have to factor the cost of twigs/pies/etc vs single situational use of the AB&GCB.

    Personally I think Holy/GCB Greatsword is probably best - plus you can use it in VON as well.

    FYI, factoring in criticals:

    AB&GCB= 1d10+5+2d6+[2d6]+4+3d6
    = 18/20 * (5.5 + 5 + 7 + 4 + 10.5) + 1/20 * 3 * (5.5 + 5 + 7 + 7 + 4 + 10.5)
    = 21/20 * (5.5 + 5 + 7 + 4 + 10.5) + 1/20 * 3 * 7
    = 1.05 * 33
    = 34.65

    PPP=2d8+5 + 2d6+1d6+[4d6]+[4d6] +[4d6 o/20]
    = 18/20 * (9 + 5 + 7 + 3.5) + 1/20 * 3 * ( 9 + 5 + 7 + 3.5 + 14 + 14 + 14 )
    = 21/20 * (9 + 5 + 7 + 3.5) + 1/20 * 3 * 3 * ( 14 )
    = 1.05 * 24.5 + .45 * 14
    = 32.025

    PP=2d8 + 2d6+1d6+[4d6]
    = 18/20 * (9 + 5 + 7 + 3.5) + 1/20 * 3 * ( 9 + 5 + 7 + 3.5 + 14)
    = 21/20 * (9 + 5 + 7 + 3.5) + 1/20 * 3 * (14)
    = 1.05 * 24.5 + .15 * 14
    = 27.825
    weapon damage is not multiplied nor seeker added for portals on crits. however, the crit effects will still go thru
    If you want to know why...

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Goldeneye View Post
    check my math for me:
    you did not apply the +4 for gtr bane

    +5 = ML8, anarchic burst = ML8, gcb = ML6. total ML = 22, rr 20. its easier to make a +++ maul then find such a gcb
    If you want to know why...

  9. #9
    Community Member Goldeneye's Avatar
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    Oops. Thanks - Greater bane is +4 damage and +3d6.
    ...even so - finding a portal beater like that is only realistic in theory.
    So triple pos wins!
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  10. #10
    Community Member Astraghal's Avatar
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    As a slashing feated fighter with axe damage enhancements, I do more damage to portals with mineral II greateaxe than triple positive maul.

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Astraghal View Post
    As a slashing feated fighter with axe damage enhancements, I do more damage to portals with mineral II greateaxe than triple positive maul.
    this is true but the OP could be a stun specced fighter. the other argument is that a min2 greataxe is useless vs undead
    If you want to know why...

  12. #12
    Community Member Goldeneye's Avatar
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    I was Warhammer specced (When weighted was no-save)... but I got my eSoS, and now I'm greatsword specced. Soon I'll have an Epic Sword of Shadows, Mineral II Greatsword, and Triple Pos Greatsword.

    I know that the 3 tiers on triple positive effect portals:
    • Holy
    • Good Burst
    • Good Blast

    Do all 3 effects also work on Elementals? (Fire/Earth/Air/Water)
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