My Dwarf Barbarian is about to hit level 18.
I haven't taken a Toughness FEAT on it and currently sit at 420 Hitpoints. 522 when raged.
I took Stunning Blow as my last FEAT and it is working out quite nicely for the time being, not sure how effective it will be in later content though.
If I take Toughness I gain another 20 hitpoints instantly with the option later to put a few AP's in it and gain maybe another 40. However, if I stick with Stunning Blow I will need those 6 points to put in Dwarven Tactics to bump its DC up and I am all ready quite starved AP wise.
GTHF would have been a no brainer before but I took it on my Palladin after the nerf and I haven't really noticed much difference.
What "exactly" does GTHF actually do now? I know you can no longer get glancing blows whilst moving and the "increase in glancing blow effects" looks nice but what exactly is the percentage increase? Does the FEAT do anything else, like increase your chance to Double Strike or anything like that?