Originally Posted by
With respect, this depends on your gear (the DPS part, not keeping up your Ki). With a good set of handwraps and 2 bursting ToD rings (standard end-game), you are correct. Each hit gains a substantial amount of damage with rings, and quickly offsets damage gained from extra ki strikes.
My calculations assume that both Sun and Wind can continuously keep Touch of Death up. Additionally, wind stance can keep earth 4, and wind 4 up continuously, while sun can keep ToDeath, Wind4, Earth4, Fire4, and Water4 all up continuously.
This is probably not a good choice since it would be pretty difficult to build a toon that has 18 base in STR/DEX/CON/WIS. Also, many mobs will be resistant to one or more of fire/ice/lightning damage, again pushing numbers in favor of Wind4.
Given these circumstances, a Monk needs a pre-stance strength of 42 to make wind stance better DPS.
However, with standard end-game gear, build constraints, and mob resistance, I can't imagine a scenario where Sun4 will outDPS wind4 - but it's closer than I had been led to believe.