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  1. #1
    Community Member johnnyputrid's Avatar
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    Default Handwraps for Harry

    Got my monk flagged and ready for the Shroud, but I'm not really sure which handwraps in my meager collection to punch Harry in the face with. I've had zero luck with the Devouts and have yet to see or even hear of a randomly generated set of metalline of PGs (which I assume is a pretty common situation for a lot of monks out there). Currently I have the following contenders:

    +5 Shock of Evil Outsider Bane (considering adding Force Critical)
    +3 Holy of Pure Good (considering adding Force Critical)
    +3 Shocking Burst, Icy Burst of PG (w/Force Critical)
    +4 Shocking Burst, Icy Burst of Bleeding (w/Force Critical)

    Of those 4, which is my best bet for seeing some form of at least marginally useful damage numbers? I realize the Icy Bursted wraps will probably produce only 0s for the cold damage, and without any silver-threads or metalline strips of whatever in there, a lot yellow will be showing up. For trash I've got +10 stunners and vorpal kamas, for portals I've got Force Burst of Construct Bane (greater would be even better, but that's what I've got). I'm always willing to run Shadow Crypt and pray for a lucky drop, but until that fateful day comes, I'd like to know what my best option would be. Thanks in advance.

  2. #2


    If you are willing to use vorpal kamas for trash, use silver & good aligned kamas on Harry.

  3. #3
    Community Member LookingForABentoBox's Avatar
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    +5 shock of evil outsider will do the most damage to him on all the ones you have. If you can get a hold of greater bane on handwraps that's just as good as a dr beater on normal and is probably more easier to get a hold of.
    Argonnessen mains: Pinku, Ohtaku

  4. #4
    Community Member Bigrtt's Avatar
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    Non-devout met of PG handwraps are insanely rare, in the year I've been playing I've only ever seen two (and I was lucky enough to have pulled a pair).

    Agree with using the evil outsider bane handwraps until you can get hold of some devouts/met-pg handwraps.

    One thing I see a lot of monks doing is putting the force critical on handwraps, I find the critical ritual is a MASSIVE waste of time and ingredients, even if you've got IC: Bludgeon. I strongly recommend you put the regular +1 force damage a hit on any wraps, withthe monk attack speed it's far better to have a guaranteed +1 damage rather than just a little bit more when you crit.

  5. #5
    Community Member Dexol's Avatar
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    Ignoring misses, with imp:crit bludgeon

    Force damage will give you 20 points of damage over 20 hits
    Force Crit will give between 2 and 8 (d&d dice : 2d4) over the same 20 hits
    I don't do serious, it no fun

  6. #6
    Community Member RhapsodieInBlue's Avatar
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    +5 Shocking Burst of Pure Good with Force Ritual or Holy(Burst)of Greater Evil Outsider Bane I'd say would be best.

    Though I guess the Shock of Evil Outsider Bane would work a d6 better than Pure good would, plus would give you an extra +2 to your damage.

    Make sure you keep power attack on, that pit fiend doesn't have enough AC to make you miss except on a 1, especially with bard songs and greater heroism.


    Second statement is in reference to the one you already own.

  7. #7
    Community Member johnnyputrid's Avatar
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    I think I'll go with the +5 shock of EOBs. Did some devil punching in the Vale and it felt like I was mowing 'em down a little better with those wraps. I'll keep trying to score some greater banes, but there seems to be a greater bane handwrap drought on Ghallanda lately. I should have enough collectibles to put force damage on them, sounds like a great idea. And I stand corrected after checking, the only wraps I put force critical on are my stunners, for obvious reasons.

    Another question if I may:

    How well is a DC 37 Stunning Fist going to hold up Shroud and post-Shroud? I have zero problems stunning devils in the Vale, but I know they are going to be a lot weaker than Shroud and Amrath devils. At 20 that'll be DC 38 and with some exceptional Wisdom, DC 39. Not quite sure I can hit DC 40. The only experience I have with Amrath is doing some slayers on my sorc and I know those suckers have crazy saves.

  8. #8
    Community Member Hokonoso's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dexol View Post
    Ignoring misses, with imp:crit bludgeon

    Force damage will give you 20 points of damage over 20 hits
    Force Crit will give between 2 and 8 (d&d dice : 2d4) over the same 20 hits
    less, harry has 75% fort lol, force critical is terribad, put force on all your handwarps you dont plan to sell

    also your +3 holy of PG will be your best handwraps at 20 until you get some +5 of the same thing cause you will eventually get holy burst/shocking burst tod rings which will make that good.

    also, you really have to keep farming devout handwraps, took me 7 runs on my second life to get them on my monk, and it is cause someone in my party was nice enough to pass them to me!

    but for now getting greater evil outsider bane with a +2 or better will be your best damage until you get devout. ive seen a metalline of greater evil outsider bane handwraps before but i wasnt lucky enough to get them

    also a +5 metalline of pure good handwraps (min lvl20) dropped out of epic dragon the other day for my group, was pretty insane.

  9. #9
    Community Member SINIBYTE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhapsodieInBlue View Post
    +5 Shocking Burst of Pure Good with Force Ritual or Holy(Burst)of Greater Evil Outsider Bane I'd say would be best.
    I'm still in debate over this one.

    I have both +2 metalline of PG and +5 shocking burst icy burst force crit of PG. They seem to be pretty close in damage from my vantage point. the +5's definately win over on trash (when I'm not using vorpals kamas).
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  10. #10
    Hero Propane's Avatar
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    Have you thought of picking up a Met of Good Q-staff for the end fights?
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