I have a dwarf fighter and the toughness feat is shown as not available. What is going on? I am level 8. Please help.
I have a dwarf fighter and the toughness feat is shown as not available. What is going on? I am level 8. Please help.
You can't take toughness as a fighter bonus feat only your normal feats
(Say): Beholder says, ''I'm dying? Preposterous....''
but it shows the feat as unavailable and all the toughness enhancements as unavailable because of that - how do i raise my HP?
I am a level 8 dwarf fighter with 132 HP - does that seem right???
You can take toughness as a feat you just have to take it as your normal feats at 1,3,6,9,12,15 or 18. Taking it at one of those levels will open up the enhancements for you to take with your action points. As for you hit points they do seem a bit low....what is your con at?
(Say): Beholder says, ''I'm dying? Preposterous....''
ok -con is 19 - but i have no magiacal enhancements - as long as i can take toughness feat at level 9 - i am fine with that - i can recover the lost hps with enhancements - right???????? but i dont see racial toughness anywhere - just fighter toughness
Ah no con item explains that....as for racial toughness it's there towards the bottom it's just in alphabetical order and fighters have a lot to scroll through when you click show unavailable enhancements
(Say): Beholder says, ''I'm dying? Preposterous....''
so I am ok?? i don't have to start over?? at level 8 that would be devastating
Well I don't really know what you're making or what other feats you've taken, but if the hp was your only concern you should be alright. Worst case you can always do a lesser and fix things
(Say): Beholder says, ''I'm dying? Preposterous....''
HP was my only worry - but what is a lesser? i really appreciate you responding to me. i was stressing out about this!1![]()
Lesser reincarnate lets you change your feats and skills, but stay the same level and you are welcome for the response
(Say): Beholder says, ''I'm dying? Preposterous....''
how do i get a "lesser"
You can buy the heart of wood from the store or when you get high enough grind epics to get one like that
(Say): Beholder says, ''I'm dying? Preposterous....''
and when i level up i still get the base 14 hp and that doesn't make any sense i tried getting help many times, but no one will help me with it they always say submit a bug and i have submitted like 4 now and still no help
That message at the end of the level-up process telling you how much HP you gain isn't very accurate. How many HP do you actually gain when you level?
What is your current HP? What is your level? What is your base CON? CON after magic items and enhancements? What Toughness enhancements have you taken?
Just take it as your 9th lvl feat the respec your enhancements and you can get all the toughness enhancements you would be eligilbe for
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