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I really don't get why so many people say you absolutely can't be a 28 point TWF Paladin.
You can if you're an elf. 14 strength, 16 dex, 12 con, 16 cha.
Drow can have 16 strength and 10 intelligence, but... for one thing, yes, the -1 to damage and -1 to hit (mostly the to hit) is kind of a downer. But when you factor in the fact that elves can wield scimitars and they have to take a faith enhancement anyways, they can easily overcome this and come out with a replacement to-hit. As such, their accuracy is as if they had 16 strength, which is what a Drow has. Drow also have a faith enhancement that adds +1, but it's for rapiers, and... well... piercing is just horrible against undead.
10 int is there, gives you an extra skill, not really worthy of any note, as you'll most likely put the second skill in something that's nice but not necessary.
So, basically, the only advantage Drow would have over Elf is +1 damage, and maybe +1 to hit with offhand weapons... but Smite Evil adds your charisma to your to-hit, and it tends to be pretty massive, and abilities like Smite Evil are one of the reasons Paladins excel so much in TWF. So, in the end, if the off-hand procs when you smite, it'll most likely hit anyways.
So yeah. I'm saying it can be done. Is it as effective as 32 point builds or Drow? Not as much... but also not so little that it should be discounted. And with how inflated Strength gets end-game anyways, the -1 damage penalty is kind of a drop in the lake.