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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Sep 2009

    Default Trade value for Tor scales?

    I've been running Tor on my 16 bard a bit lately for xp and pulling some scales and have a few of them now. I need a am going to be looking at selling/trading the Tor scales to get some more large ingredients but I wasn't sure what the typical cost on the Tor scales was at the moment. How much do people normally charge for these outside of the AH insanity?

  2. #2
    Community Member Wizard_Zero's Avatar
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    Feb 2010

    Default The scales

    I made a couple of Tor runs recently and this is what I found:

    Blue Scales have consistently (first post) sold for 120k pp each on AH. So some people are at least willing to pay 120k pp for them. A long time ago when I need Blues, I would pay 60k pp - 80k pp. Now the price has pretty much doubled in the last 4 months. Right now, the AH price has dropped to about 100k pp per scale.

    Black, I've seen a couple people WTB for 60k pp in trade channels. Not really sure the value though, since I traded all mine for white. Quite popular with rangers who don't want/have Abbot raid.

    White, the most worthless armor in the game for the effort... IMO. I say 95% of people who want these scales are looking to make Redscale one day. They are probably in no big hurry for the scales so there is no impulse to purchase them at outrageous prices (I wasn't). I personally paid up to 50k pp (2 times), but I often waited & bought AH deals for 30k pp - 40k pp.

    These are just my observations.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Wizard_Zero View Post
    I made a couple of Tor runs recently and this is what I found:

    Blue Scales have consistently (first post) sold for 120k pp each on AH. So some people are at least willing to pay 120k pp for them. A long time ago when I need Blues, I would pay 60k pp - 80k pp. Now the price has pretty much doubled in the last 4 months. Right now, the AH price has dropped to about 100k pp per scale.

    Black, I've seen a couple people WTB for 60k pp in trade channels. Not really sure the value though, since I traded all mine for white. Quite popular with rangers who don't want/have Abbot raid.

    White, the most worthless armor in the game for the effort... IMO. I say 95% of people who want these scales are looking to make Redscale one day. They are probably in no big hurry for the scales so there is no impulse to purchase them at outrageous prices (I wasn't). I personally paid up to 50k pp (2 times), but I often waited & bought AH deals for 30k pp - 40k pp.

    These are just my observations.
    So I should have no problems getting about 100/50/50 in trade value for the most part. Thanks for the info!

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