I wanted to ask about Turbine/ DDO status as regards to paybycash Game Card for players from India.
Yesterday i spoke to Jermy over at customer Care service about using Game Card sold by paybycash for subscribing to DDO. According to him it would work.
Earlier today when i tried to buy the Game Pass from the paybycash site, it directed me to a page (https://www.paybycash.com/order/invalidcountry.php) which said
"Dungeons & Dragons Online®: Eberron Unlimited™ Restricted Country
We're sorry! Dungeons & Dragons Online®: Eberron Unlimited™ has asked PayByCash not to accept payments from your country. We provide Dungeons & Dragons Online®: Eberron Unlimited™ information about how often and from what countries their potential customers have this problem.
Thank you for considering PayByCash."
I was wondering if you could tell me if its paybycash which needs to be updated or if for players from India, credit cards are the only means of subscription.
Look forward to hearing from you guys on this.