For the next toon I roll I wanted to create a character with some Rogue skills. Now I do not have much interest in sneaky around and backstabbing people. I would much rather carry a big weapon and smash people in the face - just a personal play style choice (and no I have not sought counseling for this issue).
So my constraints are these. Needs to be Dwarf and most likely a 28 point build (could do 32, maybe - especially since this build seems to need it). But before I put this into the character planner I had a few questions about initial stats...
Option 1 would be fighter 18/rogue 2
STR 16
DEX 14
CON 16
INT 14
I would be a THF Great Axe wielding Dwarf with some rogue skills. All my ability increases into strength. Skill points is tight on this - 4 each round. Disable Device, Open Lock, Search and spot or jump. (Question on the spot or jump - would putting skill points into spot help or is the wisdom starting score too low to ever make a difference?)
Option 2 would be fighter 1/rogue 1/ranger 18
STR 14
DEX 16
CON 16
INT 14
This guy would be heavy armor, wielding dual Dwarven Axes with rogue skills. Ability increases would go into strength I think? I think I need 2 more in Dexterity for TWF, but I am guessing I can get that with an item. Skill points would go into Disable Device, Open Lock, Search, Spot, Jump, Balance and UMD.
So my questions...
Are either of these grossly flawed?
Is there anything I am missing?
Which one would be a better damage dealer?
Thanks for your help.