I'm playing a halfling rogue/barbarian, level 3 in both classes.
I'm at a point where I can get him to 20 Dex with an enhancement/+1 Dex item mix. He is currently at 18 in Dex.
He wears +2 Mithral breatplate armor, which caps his Dex bonus at +4. 20 Dex gets him a +5 Dex bonus.
SO do I boost to 20 Dex and go with a lighter armor (+4 studded leather, for example) or keep him at 18 and stay with the heavier armor?
I play pretty agro, using his rogue abilities to detect traps/doors and take care of said traps and door locks. I occasionally use Sneak Attack. Other than that, the little guy does pretty well in the melee department.
Thanks in advance for any advice/guidance.