This is going to be a little tougher since MyDDO is down and i can't see what i have where right now. Going off memory.
Level 16 Assassin HL Rogue Pure
My list of current gear and where i have it.
Helm - Int +6
Minos Legens if premium or P2P, Nightforged Gorget if F2P
Goggles - Search +15
Tharnes Goggles if premium or P2P, Blindness Immunity Goggles if F2P
Neck - Proof Poison / Diplo +7
+6 Con Necklace
Cloak - Resist +5
Trink - Dusk Heart
Blood Stone yea it's worth it. or the poor mans Blood Stone Shimmering Arrowhead
Belt - Heavy Fort / Disease Immune
Disease Immunity of Greater False Life
Bracers - AC +7
Levik's Bracers or Str +6 Bracers
Gloves - Strength
+6 Dex Gloves or Spectral Gloves yea they are worth it.
Armor - Deathblock / Spell Resist 19
you could do worse
Boots - Striding +25% Swapped with FF and Dex +6 for fighting
Ring 1 - Blindness Immune / Spot +7
+6 Con if you didn't slot it on the necklace
Ring 2 - Ring of Balance (AC and Balance Skill) swapped with Disable Device +15 and OL +15
I need to fit in a Con +6 Item somewhere that i wont need to swap it in and out.
I also don't want to give anything up except maybe the blindness immunity because i don't know how often people are blinded really.
Where can i fit in that con item?