Hi guys. I would like to set up a twilight forge xp run with anyone in levels 11-15.
I would like to do the quest on hard then recall out and re do it on elite. It should net 40-50k xp depending on potions , items used.
Proposed time is Tuesday August 31 at 10 pm EST (-4GMT I think).
I know the green puzzle very well.
I need
1) A DDoor Caster.
2) Someone that knows the swimming puzzle ( Red ).
3) 2 people that can listen to directions and have Underwater Action items.
4) A monk that has abundant step. ( Optional .. we can do this the old way but it is much easier with a jumper)
5) A couple people with high balance scores ( For the Raid. 35+ preferably )
6) Someone that can cast Death Ward ( For the raid )
7) Someone that can cast Greater Teleport.
8) Other people that can listen well and follow instructions ( Voice Required )
To be flagged for this raid you need to have completed at some point
1) Slavers of the shrieking mines
2) Bring me the head of Ghola Fan
And if you can't teleport yourself you need to have completed
1) Hiding in Plain Sight.
People that have True Reincarnated and have completed these in a previous life are flagged already as long as they still have their Sigil of Dal Quor.
After completing the Forge for the second time the plan is to go ahead and run the raid.
Please post here if you are interested.