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  1. #1
    Community Member Zess-wolf's Avatar
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    Question GS and epic monk stuff...why not?

    Just to know the opinions, why we dont have green stell handwraps, or epic handwraps for monks? why its the only class that doesnt have a proper unarmed weapon?

    thanks all!

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    from what I've seen on here, it seems they think that it would make monks too powerful. We have the ToD rings where we can give up on exceptional stats to get an extra damage add to our strikes. I don't understand how it would unbalance the class when everyone considers us gimped for damage unless your a dark path monk with Touch of Death

  3. #3
    Community Member t0r012's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zess-wolf View Post
    Just to know the opinions, why we dont have green stell handwraps, or epic handwraps for monks? why its the only class that doesnt have a proper unarmed weapon?

    thanks all!
    I believe the problem lies in the way handwraps are coded. the damage and crit rage is based on the monk class and feats and not the weapon. So for things like GS or Epic variants which have greater threat ranges or higher base damage the option isn't there to code them in to the wraps. You can see it by examining any monk wearing wraps since you will see their weapon effects of handwraps they are wearing unlike other classes you don't see their weapon effects when you examine them. Monks/wraps are coded differently so that wraps are added to the monk him/herself and not to the weapons.

    Lack of GS wraps is why they gave monks the rings and a substitute for getting GS wraps. They seem to be trying to remedy the the higher base damage bonus of GS and Epic weapons with things like the braces that give the option to increase the unarmed die by 1 level and I expect we will see more of that in the future.

    My guess is in the future we might also see the addition of something to increase the crit threat range for monks that doesn't come on wraps, but that is just a guess.
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  4. #4
    Community Member Zess-wolf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by t0r012 View Post
    I believe the problem lies in the way handwraps are coded. the damage and crit rage is based on the monk class and feats and not the weapon. So for things like GS or Epic variants which have greater threat ranges or higher base damage the option isn't there to code them in to the wraps. You can see it by examining any monk wearing wraps since you will see their weapon effects of handwraps they are wearing unlike other classes you don't see their weapon effects when you examine them. Monks/wraps are coded differently so that wraps are added to the monk him/herself and not to the weapons.

    Lack of GS wraps is why they gave monks the rings and a substitute for getting GS wraps. They seem to be trying to remedy the the higher base damage bonus of GS and Epic weapons with things like the braces that give the option to increase the unarmed die by 1 level and I expect we will see more of that in the future.

    My guess is in the future we might also see the addition of something to increase the crit threat range for monks that doesn't come on wraps, but that is just a guess.

    That really is a point...but, even though, why can´t they have a minII handwraps? i mean, even only the effects, cause it would be awesome, being able to bring all the effects the other classes have, to the handwraps.


  5. #5
    Community Member t0r012's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zess-wolf View Post
    That really is a point...but, even though, why can´t they have a minII handwraps? i mean, even only the effects, cause it would be awesome, being able to bring all the effects the other classes have, to the handwraps.

    Cause the way it is coded the monks would have to eat the ingredients and cram themselves into the alter , and nobody wouldn't be able to push the button.
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  6. #6
    Community Member Aquoia93's Avatar
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    I'm not a programmer, so im not sure how difficult this would be, but why can't they just code greensteel handwraps like they do regular handwraps? Let us make them, and have the effects tansfer onto the character just like any other pair of handwraps
    Weniras-18/1/1 (Exploiter Ranger), Conam-6 (Barbarian), Keelowe-20 (Monk), Aquoia-TR 13/2 pally/monk,
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  7. #7
    Community Member dpadan17's Avatar
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    i myself have 2 monks. I would like to see some kind of GS wraps. Do they have to be uber??? NO. I like the fact of having minII wraps. DR beaters is nice. Otherwise, the only way to truly break the DR is to get lucky and pull yourself some Metalline of pure good wraps or get even more lucky in Shadow Crypt and get the devouts. Everyone else can create a DR breaker, why not monks.

    I know the coding is different, but come on. Change it to make it so. Monks are not the "upper echelon" of classes wanted when talking about DPS. I think they do great DPS.

    For example, the Epic Antique Great Axe is simply amazing. I have heard the crit numbers and all i can say is WOW!!! Having a monk in a wind stance with a MinII set of wraps would make things very nice for others. Why not make the min level 16? At lvl 12 they would be WAY overpowered IMO but ****.....

    Just my 2 copper pieces
    Sprulok TR 20 dark monk/ Spruloki lvl 20 TR'd Exploiter / Magnetik "aka Miss Piggy" TR'd 12ftr/6rgr/2monk/ tank / Trixxii lvl 20 TR'd light monk/ Bllaak Stabbath lvl 20 tr'd assassin/ Axetress lvl 14 juggernaut Zenaidemule --------------- Ghallanda server-------------Officer of the Captain's Crew

  8. #8
    Community Member Hokonoso's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zess-wolf View Post
    That really is a point...but, even though, why can´t they have a minII handwraps? i mean, even only the effects, cause it would be awesome, being able to bring all the effects the other classes have, to the handwraps.

    i agree, even if we did no extra dmg per hit, being able to make say vacuum handwraps or lightning 2 would be insane!

    keep in mind min 2 handwraps would be useless without a higher base dmg as they would be identical to +5 holy silver handwraps or +5 metalline handwraps of good burst (which ofc dont exist but you get the idea)

    but some +5 shock, good burst, shock blast handwraps of lightning would be insane!!!! so much so that even on elite i probably wouldnt take them off to get thru dr as lightning + touch of death > all

  9. #9
    Community Member Zess-wolf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hokonoso View Post
    i agree, even if we did no extra dmg per hit, being able to make say vacuum handwraps or lightning 2 would be insane!

    keep in mind min 2 handwraps would be useless without a higher base dmg as they would be identical to +5 holy silver handwraps or +5 metalline handwraps of good burst (which ofc dont exist but you get the idea)

    but some +5 shock, good burst, shock blast handwraps of lightning would be insane!!!! so much so that even on elite i probably wouldnt take them off to get thru dr as lightning + touch of death > all

    sure, but that was just an example, i mean, to be able to generate a handwrap wich has lightingII combined with wind really would be awesome, and as for t0r012, i do not mean they would have to get themselves, we would craft a GS handwrap with the effects on it, as a normal weapon, we take it off, put it back in, that way.

    There are GS for all, but not handwraps that is the primary monk weapon, which makes monks like, less powerfull tham they(and the other classes with GS) could be, why make a GS kama, that can be considered "weak" if you have an option to do a handwraps... i hope i could make it clear... XD

  10. #10
    Community Member Taimasan's Avatar
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    Maybe cause monks are just that badass, I can destroy anything without a "greensteel" crutch. This is just a post meant to be funny btw. I really think it has to do with the way wraps are coded. Since handwraps are technically not weapons, they just add effects.

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