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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default DoS Hate Tank build looking for advice

    I’ve just capped a 30 pt (past life ranger) finesse build drow 18Pal/2Monk DoS similar to the lightbringer (

    This is the current Point
    Str 14 + 2(tome) + 6 (item) + 1 (exception) + 4 (stance) = 27
    Dex 16 + 5(lv up) + 2(tome) + 5 (item) + 2 (exception) + 2 (enhancement) = 32
    Con 12 + 2(tome) + 6 (item) + 4 (stance) = 24
    Int 11 + 2 (tome) = 13
    Wis 13 + 2(tome) + 6 (item) + 2 (exception) + 1 (enhancement) = 24
    Cha 16 + 2(tome) + 6 (item) + 1 (exception) + 1 (enhancement) = 26

    Finesse, TWFx3, extend, Toughness, IC piecing, CE, PA

    Not completely geared up yet, this is what I’m currently using:

    Helm Minos
    Neck Warchanter/3UMD
    Google 45 HP Min2 (have all the material, just need to wait for timer to craft it)
    Glove Spec Glove (non epic)
    Bracer 8AC
    Cloak 6 CHA
    Armor icy
    Boot FF/innocent/anchor
    Belt DoS
    Ring DoS (+2dex)
    Ring Warprest (+2wis)
    Weapon mainhand Lightning2 rapier
    Weapon offhand Min2 rapier (4 Insight AC)

    Aspiring towards epic VON cloak, epic Jidt, epic Spec glove, chattering ring, 2nd GS for AAA 6 Cha skill necklace

    Self buffed AC low 70s (power attack) ~ high 70s (Combat Expertise)
    Raid buffed mid 80 (power attack)

    Expected damage as follows:
    8 Strength Mod
    9.5 GS rapier
    6 DM3
    3 Divine Favor
    6.5 Holy
    1 drow rapier
    5 PA
    39 raw damage

    Not sure how hate Gen multiplier works for DoS, but the 315% is the number being tossed around alot
    Haven’t tested on how well those AC/dmg/hate gen stack up for me yet (only got the DoS ring yesterday)

    Now, my questions:
    1) Will I be able to maintain aggro by a decent margin? Or do I need to be constantly on top of my toe looking for when DM3 expires etc (Casting zeal/Divine Favor may be a bit difficult when tanking w/o concentrate or quicken)
    2) How many end game content requires 75~80+ AC to tank? (hard/elite VOD? Hard/elite TOD? But then again, I have a WF barb that would probably be a better hate tank in those situations?) I’m thinking about respecting this to be STR build after getting epic Spectral Glove (+1 dex), dropping to dex 30 and bumping str to 32, which free up the finesse feat for quicken/OTWF/pastlife ranger?
    3) Merit of TR again to human and using KPS instead, would the gain in DPS be significantly noticeable? I do need to justify additional investment in larges for min2 KPS with 4AC

    Thanks in advance
    Vairs - clc 20 , Aairs - wiz 20, Xairs - Brb 20, Zairs - FvS20, Sairs - Pal18/Mk2, Jairs - Brd 20

  2. #2
    Community Member nitronisto's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    befor this post goes any further i ll tell u that what u got will work to a point but the hate issue is the only flaw that really comes to mind cause like every other tank pali who trys to use hate hits is is DoS hate doesnt work, its a known flaw and issue even turbine has reconized it without any ETA on getting it fixed or gettin back to us on it... only real hate multiplyer u got goin for u is DR with 100% hate multiplyer. if u try to put DoS it wont stack like it should only because the stated above other wise what u got goin on works from what i see. DoS hate is the only thing that sticks out that i cant tell u from first hand experince not goin to work

  3. #3
    Community Member Quikster's Avatar
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    Apr 2008


    Passive hate from dos II and from the tod set bonus seem to work fine. You should talk to spyderwolf, he has a human str version that holds agro just fine. Im fairly sure his build only runs on like 32-34 str and uses khopeshes.

    Human also gets you the extra skill point which is nice, and may allow you to take umd if you werent planning on it.

    Many here will tell you that it wont be able to hate tank, thats simply not the case.
    Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
    QuiknDirty~Quikster~Quikkilla Missquik~
    Member of Roving Guns

  4. #4
    Community Member nitronisto's Avatar
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    Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Quikster View Post
    Passive hate from dos II and from the tod set bonus seem to work fine. You should talk to spyderwolf, he has a human str version that holds agro just fine. Im fairly sure his build only runs on like 32-34 str and uses khopeshes.

    Human also gets you the extra skill point which is nice, and may allow you to take umd if you werent planning on it.

    Many here will tell you that it wont be able to hate tank, thats simply not the case.

    palies are made to hate tank deffentlly i agree with you on this myself cause if u look at the tools were given.i am replyin with ur quote cause the part about DoS rk2 your sayin that one is working, cause i know DoS rk 3 sure as he!! doesnt generate the hate its supose to, and that seems to be the main one people say is borken still. so any help on conferming this or what not i would be greatful for to learn from.

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