I’ve just capped a 30 pt (past life ranger) finesse build drow 18Pal/2Monk DoS similar to the lightbringer (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=242153)
This is the current Point
Str 14 + 2(tome) + 6 (item) + 1 (exception) + 4 (stance) = 27
Dex 16 + 5(lv up) + 2(tome) + 5 (item) + 2 (exception) + 2 (enhancement) = 32
Con 12 + 2(tome) + 6 (item) + 4 (stance) = 24
Int 11 + 2 (tome) = 13
Wis 13 + 2(tome) + 6 (item) + 2 (exception) + 1 (enhancement) = 24
Cha 16 + 2(tome) + 6 (item) + 1 (exception) + 1 (enhancement) = 26
Finesse, TWFx3, extend, Toughness, IC piecing, CE, PA
Not completely geared up yet, this is what I’m currently using:
Helm Minos
Neck Warchanter/3UMD
Google 45 HP Min2 (have all the material, just need to wait for timer to craft it)
Glove Spec Glove (non epic)
Bracer 8AC
Cloak 6 CHA
Armor icy
Boot FF/innocent/anchor
Belt DoS
Ring DoS (+2dex)
Ring Warprest (+2wis)
Weapon mainhand Lightning2 rapier
Weapon offhand Min2 rapier (4 Insight AC)
Aspiring towards epic VON cloak, epic Jidt, epic Spec glove, chattering ring, 2nd GS for AAA 6 Cha skill necklace
Self buffed AC low 70s (power attack) ~ high 70s (Combat Expertise)
Raid buffed mid 80 (power attack)
Expected damage as follows:
8 Strength Mod
9.5 GS rapier
6 DM3
3 Divine Favor
6.5 Holy
1 drow rapier
5 PA
39 raw damage
Not sure how hate Gen multiplier works for DoS, but the 315% is the number being tossed around alot
Haven’t tested on how well those AC/dmg/hate gen stack up for me yet (only got the DoS ring yesterday)
Now, my questions:
1) Will I be able to maintain aggro by a decent margin? Or do I need to be constantly on top of my toe looking for when DM3 expires etc (Casting zeal/Divine Favor may be a bit difficult when tanking w/o concentrate or quicken)
2) How many end game content requires 75~80+ AC to tank? (hard/elite VOD? Hard/elite TOD? But then again, I have a WF barb that would probably be a better hate tank in those situations?) I’m thinking about respecting this to be STR build after getting epic Spectral Glove (+1 dex), dropping to dex 30 and bumping str to 32, which free up the finesse feat for quicken/OTWF/pastlife ranger?
3) Merit of TR again to human and using KPS instead, would the gain in DPS be significantly noticeable? I do need to justify additional investment in larges for min2 KPS with 4AC
Thanks in advance