Aelunira is a versatile Human Spellsinger capable of CC and raid healing. With strong songs and Master's Touch for THF, she can even pitch in to help with trash mob cleanup. Not your typical stuck up Diva at all!
This build to me, is the perfect Spellsinger for my playstyle. Very versatile and fun build, capable of taking on multiple roles in any group. The gear is pushed as much as possible towards melee so she can contribute *something* when the primary aim of CC is really not that important and there's already a good healer around. This is not so much a newbie build anymore, as I've grown as a player it's become a wee bit more complicated. At the bottom I have listed what's attainable as a new player with much less grind than I've put in.
The Diva: Human, True Neutral, 20 Bard
Better Stats for people NOT addicted to too much INT on their Bards:
STR 28 (14 +2 tome +1 Litany +6 item +3 exceptional +2 rage spell)
DEX 15 (8 +6 item +1 Litany) or 16 (with +1 exceptional or +1 tome)
CON 30 (16 +2 tome +6 item +1 Litany +1 Human +2 exceptional +2 rage spell)
INT 9 (8 +1 Litany)
WIS 16 (8 +1 tome +6 item +1 Litany)
CHA 42 (18 +5 levels +2 tome +1 human +1 Litany +3 bard +2 capstone + 7 epic item +3 exceptional)
Revised Actual End Stats for SuperGrindy Goodness:
I got a +3 cha tome and ated it so updated stats. Really can't recommend the below stats, it was a noob mistake that was somewhat useful as I was on a new server, but really isn't that great at cap. For INT would go 10+2 tome or even 8+2 tome if I were to do this over, for those extra points in CON. Bards only get d6 like Rogues, but unlike the latter we don't get Evasion. Squooosh. I really regret not having that extra 20 HP.
STR 28 (14 +2 tome ((+1 Litany +6 item) OR (+7 item)) +3 exceptional +2 rage spell)
DEX dumpstatted
CON 28 (14 +2 tome +6 item +1 Litany +1 Human +2 exceptional +2 rage spell)
INT 13 (12 +1 Litany, could eat a +1 tome to hit runes in subt)
WIS 16 (8 +1 tome +6 concopp +1 Litany)
CHA 42 (18 +5 levels +3 tome +1 human +1 Litany +2 bard +2 capstone + 7 epic item +3 exceptional
Ending skills, HP, and SP in this post
Feats: Extend (1), Toughness (1), SF: Enchant (3), Maximize (6), Heighten (9), Quicken (12), Spell Pen (15), GSF: Enchant (18)
Skills: Aside from the usual, also has high Move Silently and enough in Jump to still jump over most mobs while dispelled. A bit in Spot to see hidden enemies before had Tharne's on (I would drop this on a future build/incarnation, it's really not worth it). I didn't have access to +2 tomes when starting her, would probably take 10 INT +2 tome on a richer life. Had a few points in Diplo for leveling.
Note for new players: "The usual" in skills is - Perform, Concentration, Balance, UMD, Haggle, and at least one point in Tumble. Starting INT of 8 will get that.
Spells:For a good spell list, check out OMG Spells.
Warrior Set:
Head: Pirate Hat - Seeker6+Balance15 (currently Minos)
Trinket: Litany (currently Bloodstone)
Goggle: Tharne's
Neck: Shintao - CON+6, Concentration 15/Silverflame/Torc
Cloak: Epic Silver Concord- CHA+7, Haggle +15, Diplo +15 (Yellow crafted with GFL)
Belt: Ravager
Bracers: Epic Claw (currently Levik's)
Gloves: Epic Claw/Spectral (currently Epic Brawling Gloves for STR+7 until Litany)
Boots: Earthgrab 35 hp, 30 acid resist
Ring1: Shintao xCha+2 (currently Radiant xCha+3)
Ring2: Ravager xSTR+3/Warchanter xSTR+3/Epic Mire
Epic Vulkoorim Fighting Leathers: sneak attack +3, attack +4 - colorless, blue (Will craft CHA+1 and Toughness once I get Shintao ring and Claw bracers made epic)
Don't use DT anymore but will have to make a new set due to Bards getting arcane spell failure in light armor.
DT: Toughness, CHA+1, Gtr Spell Pen 8
Healer/Enchantress Set (Changes Only):
Head: Pirate Hat - Archmagi+Perform15 (made but can't wear yet - Minos has a monopoly on my head!)
Gloves: Greensteel SP 150 ConcOpp/Gauntlets of Eternity (Currently also Perform15 item until I get Claw Bracers made epic)
Other Stuffs:
Jump Belt
Haste Clickie for when oom (Time-Sensing Goggles)
DP clickies
Epic Antique Greataxe (metalline good DR breaker) - main weapon saving me the ingredients for a MinII. LOVE IT!
Staff of the Petitioner - for cc/healing duties (until Epic goggles)
GS PosII Maul - Holy Good Good - for skellies (atm using a holy burst quarterstaff of greater undead bane)
Epic Elyd Edge (silver PG, song renewal in loooong epics)
LitII Greataxe for future TR purposes... if I ever get enough larges... sigh
Earthgrab Greataxe - Acid Acid Acid
Revising the Enhancements again for stats with Litany and epic items and Spellsinger II:
Code:Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 3.8.0 DDO Character Planner Home Page Enhancement: Bard Extra Song I Enhancement: Bard Inspired Attack I Enhancement: Bard Inspired Attack II Enhancement: Bard Inspired Attack III Enhancement: Bard Inspired Damage I Enhancement: Bard Inspired Damage II Enhancement: Bard Inspired Damage III Enhancement: Bard Lingering Song I Enhancement: Bard Lingering Song II Enhancement: Bard Spellsinger I Enhancement: Bard Spellsinger II Enhancement: Bard Musical Prodigy Enhancement: Human Adaptability Charisma I Enhancement: Human Improved Recovery I Enhancement: Human Versatility I Enhancement: Racial Toughness I Enhancement: Racial Toughness II Enhancement: Improved Concentration I Enhancement: Improved Concentration II Enhancement: Improved Concentration III Enhancement: Bard Lyric of Song I Enhancement: Bard Lyric of Song II Enhancement: Bard Song Magic I Enhancement: Bard Song Magic II Enhancement: Bard Song Magic III Enhancement: Bard Improved Spell Penetration I Enhancement: Bard Improved Spell Penetration II Enhancement: Bard Improved Spell Penetration III Enhancement: Bard Energy of the Music I Enhancement: Bard Energy of the Music II Enhancement: Bard Energy of the Music III Enhancement: Bard Charisma I Enhancement: Bard Charisma II Enhancement: Bard Wand and Scroll Mastery I Enhancement: Bard Wand and Scroll Mastery II Enhancement: Bard Wand and Scroll Mastery III
Note for new players:
Decent End Stats Attainable without Grindiness:
STR 26 (14 +2 tome +1 Human +6 item +1 exceptional (Warchanter ring) +2 rage spell)
DEX 8 (8)
CON 26 (16 +2 tome +6 item +2 rage spell)
INT 8 (8)
WIS 14 (8 +6 concopp)
CHA 38 (18 +5 levels +2 tome +1 human +2 bard +2 capstone + 6 item +2 exceptional (Warchanter ring)
Gear should be standard enough: Minos helm, Warchanter set, Bard's Cloak, Glacier set, one of the CON+6+GFL belts from Amrath, etc. Try to get a Dreamspitter and a metalline of pg two-hander at the minimum.