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  1. #1
    Community Member Irinis's Avatar
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    Default Aelunira the Diva

    Aelunira is a versatile Human Spellsinger capable of CC and raid healing. With strong songs and Master's Touch for THF, she can even pitch in to help with trash mob cleanup. Not your typical stuck up Diva at all!

    This build to me, is the perfect Spellsinger for my playstyle. Very versatile and fun build, capable of taking on multiple roles in any group. The gear is pushed as much as possible towards melee so she can contribute *something* when the primary aim of CC is really not that important and there's already a good healer around. This is not so much a newbie build anymore, as I've grown as a player it's become a wee bit more complicated. At the bottom I have listed what's attainable as a new player with much less grind than I've put in.

    The Diva: Human, True Neutral, 20 Bard

    Better Stats for people NOT addicted to too much INT on their Bards:

    STR 28 (14 +2 tome +1 Litany +6 item +3 exceptional +2 rage spell)
    DEX 15 (8 +6 item +1 Litany) or 16 (with +1 exceptional or +1 tome)
    CON 30 (16 +2 tome +6 item +1 Litany +1 Human +2 exceptional +2 rage spell)
    INT 9 (8 +1 Litany)
    WIS 16 (8 +1 tome +6 item +1 Litany)
    CHA 42 (18 +5 levels +2 tome +1 human +1 Litany +3 bard +2 capstone + 7 epic item +3 exceptional)

    Revised Actual End Stats for SuperGrindy Goodness:

    I got a +3 cha tome and ated it so updated stats. Really can't recommend the below stats, it was a noob mistake that was somewhat useful as I was on a new server, but really isn't that great at cap. For INT would go 10+2 tome or even 8+2 tome if I were to do this over, for those extra points in CON. Bards only get d6 like Rogues, but unlike the latter we don't get Evasion. Squooosh. I really regret not having that extra 20 HP.

    STR 28 (14 +2 tome ((+1 Litany +6 item) OR (+7 item)) +3 exceptional +2 rage spell)
    DEX dumpstatted
    CON 28 (14 +2 tome +6 item +1 Litany +1 Human +2 exceptional +2 rage spell)
    INT 13 (12 +1 Litany, could eat a +1 tome to hit runes in subt)
    WIS 16 (8 +1 tome +6 concopp +1 Litany)
    CHA 42 (18 +5 levels +3 tome +1 human +1 Litany +2 bard +2 capstone + 7 epic item +3 exceptional

    Ending skills, HP, and SP in this post

    Feats: Extend (1), Toughness (1), SF: Enchant (3), Maximize (6), Heighten (9), Quicken (12), Spell Pen (15), GSF: Enchant (18)

    Skills: Aside from the usual, also has high Move Silently and enough in Jump to still jump over most mobs while dispelled. A bit in Spot to see hidden enemies before had Tharne's on (I would drop this on a future build/incarnation, it's really not worth it). I didn't have access to +2 tomes when starting her, would probably take 10 INT +2 tome on a richer life. Had a few points in Diplo for leveling.
    Note for new players: "The usual" in skills is - Perform, Concentration, Balance, UMD, Haggle, and at least one point in Tumble. Starting INT of 8 will get that.

    Spells:For a good spell list, check out OMG Spells.

    Warrior Set:

    Head: Pirate Hat - Seeker6+Balance15 (currently Minos)
    Trinket: Litany (currently Bloodstone)
    Goggle: Tharne's
    Neck: Shintao - CON+6, Concentration 15/Silverflame/Torc
    Cloak: Epic Silver Concord- CHA+7, Haggle +15, Diplo +15 (Yellow crafted with GFL)
    Belt: Ravager
    Bracers: Epic Claw (currently Levik's)
    Gloves: Epic Claw/Spectral (currently Epic Brawling Gloves for STR+7 until Litany)
    Boots: Earthgrab 35 hp, 30 acid resist
    Ring1: Shintao xCha+2 (currently Radiant xCha+3)
    Ring2: Ravager xSTR+3/Warchanter xSTR+3/Epic Mire

    Epic Vulkoorim Fighting Leathers: sneak attack +3, attack +4 - colorless, blue (Will craft CHA+1 and Toughness once I get Shintao ring and Claw bracers made epic)
    Don't use DT anymore but will have to make a new set due to Bards getting arcane spell failure in light armor.
    DT: Toughness, CHA+1, Gtr Spell Pen 8

    Healer/Enchantress Set (Changes Only):

    Head: Pirate Hat - Archmagi+Perform15 (made but can't wear yet - Minos has a monopoly on my head!)
    Gloves: Greensteel SP 150 ConcOpp/Gauntlets of Eternity (Currently also Perform15 item until I get Claw Bracers made epic)

    Other Stuffs:
    Jump Belt
    Haste Clickie for when oom (Time-Sensing Goggles)
    DP clickies

    Epic Antique Greataxe (metalline good DR breaker) - main weapon saving me the ingredients for a MinII. LOVE IT!
    Staff of the Petitioner - for cc/healing duties (until Epic goggles)
    GS PosII Maul - Holy Good Good - for skellies (atm using a holy burst quarterstaff of greater undead bane)
    Epic Elyd Edge (silver PG, song renewal in loooong epics)
    LitII Greataxe for future TR purposes... if I ever get enough larges... sigh
    Earthgrab Greataxe - Acid Acid Acid

    Revising the Enhancements again for stats with Litany and epic items and Spellsinger II:

    Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 3.8.0
    DDO Character Planner Home Page
    Enhancement: Bard Extra Song I
    Enhancement: Bard Inspired Attack I
    Enhancement: Bard Inspired Attack II
    Enhancement: Bard Inspired Attack III
    Enhancement: Bard Inspired Damage I
    Enhancement: Bard Inspired Damage II
    Enhancement: Bard Inspired Damage III
    Enhancement: Bard Lingering Song I
    Enhancement: Bard Lingering Song II
    Enhancement: Bard Spellsinger I
    Enhancement: Bard Spellsinger II
    Enhancement: Bard Musical Prodigy
    Enhancement: Human Adaptability Charisma I
    Enhancement: Human Improved Recovery I
    Enhancement: Human Versatility I
    Enhancement: Racial Toughness I
    Enhancement: Racial Toughness II
    Enhancement: Improved Concentration I
    Enhancement: Improved Concentration II
    Enhancement: Improved Concentration III
    Enhancement: Bard Lyric of Song I
    Enhancement: Bard Lyric of Song II
    Enhancement: Bard Song Magic I
    Enhancement: Bard Song Magic II
    Enhancement: Bard Song Magic III
    Enhancement: Bard Improved Spell Penetration I
    Enhancement: Bard Improved Spell Penetration II
    Enhancement: Bard Improved Spell Penetration III
    Enhancement: Bard Energy of the Music I
    Enhancement: Bard Energy of the Music II
    Enhancement: Bard Energy of the Music III
    Enhancement: Bard Charisma I
    Enhancement: Bard Charisma II
    Enhancement: Bard Wand and Scroll Mastery I
    Enhancement: Bard Wand and Scroll Mastery II
    Enhancement: Bard Wand and Scroll Mastery III

    Note for new players:

    Decent End Stats Attainable without Grindiness:

    STR 26 (14 +2 tome +1 Human +6 item +1 exceptional (Warchanter ring) +2 rage spell)
    DEX 8 (8)
    CON 26 (16 +2 tome +6 item +2 rage spell)
    INT 8 (8)
    WIS 14 (8 +6 concopp)
    CHA 38 (18 +5 levels +2 tome +1 human +2 bard +2 capstone + 6 item +2 exceptional (Warchanter ring)

    Gear should be standard enough: Minos helm, Warchanter set, Bard's Cloak, Glacier set, one of the CON+6+GFL belts from Amrath, etc. Try to get a Dreamspitter and a metalline of pg two-hander at the minimum.
    Last edited by Irinis; 03-01-2011 at 05:26 AM. Reason: Updated build and gear slightly, fixed some broken links
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  2. #2
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    Similar to my build. However, I grabbed quicken and greater spell focus: enchant instead of FOP and Greater Spell Pen.

    -I don't find failing will saves a problem at 20.
    -Generally I have found bypassing saves harder than spell pen.
    -Quicken is pretty important for healing, plus it allows for nice quick disco balls/mind fogs.
    Server: Thelanis
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    Toons: Soza, Sozz, Sozza, Sossa (bards)

  3. #3
    Community Member valorik's Avatar
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    I would strongly consider dropping FoP for Power attack, the dps on thf without power attack is just too much to go without if that's even a secondary part of your build
    Arannel, Aqueous, Cocobolo, Arboreous, Erudirion, Congruous, and Cogs
    Ghallanda Rerolled

  4. #4
    Community Member Irinis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BoBoDaClown View Post
    Similar to my build. However, I grabbed quicken and greater spell focus: enchant instead of FOP and Greater Spell Pen.

    -I don't find failing will saves a problem at 20.
    -Generally I have found bypassing saves harder than spell pen.
    -Quicken is pretty important for healing, plus it allows for nice quick disco balls/mind fogs.
    Hmm, good points. I really enjoyed not having to worry about TOD boots on my first spellsinger though - will saves high enough that just cloak is fine. This one isn't gonna be a priority for boot ingredients.

    GSF:Enchant instead of the second Spell Pen is definitely a plan. The -3 Bards get on spells just for being Bards really does suck. Thanks for the reminder!

    Valorik - can't afford Power Attack in this. Would LOVE to fit it in... but the main priority would be too gimped, then.
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Irinis View Post

    The -3 Bards get on spells just for being Bards really does suck.
    Just to let you know, Bards do not suffer from poor DCs (on enchants)- the -3 due to max spell level 6 is made up for by +3 due to the bard capstone (which gives you +2 charisma, +2 to enchants, and also +2 to spell pen).
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  6. #6
    Community Member Irinis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BoBoDaClown View Post
    Just to let you know, Bards do not suffer from poor DCs (on enchants)- the -3 due to max spell level 6 is made up for by +3 due to the bard capstone (which gives you +2 charisma, +2 to enchants, and also +2 to spell pen).
    Ok I'm gonna have to do the math instead of following what I done been told.

    Wizard 38 INT (not Pale Master)

    Max DC 37
    10 + 14 INT mod + 9 spell level + 2 Spell Focus + 2 item

    Bard 38 CHA Spellsinger

    Max DC 37
    10 + 14 CHA mod + 6 spell level +1 Spellsong trance +2 capstone + 2 Spell Focus + 2 item

    Well gosh durnit, that's a pretty DC. Thanks!
    (I'll have to remember to put spellsong up more often... usually used it just for the cost reduction while buffing.)
    So the only way a Wiz would have higher DC on enchants is if they went Pale Master and/or had a Spellsinger along. I like.

    Quicken WOULD be lovely. Maybe once I have all my other characters their boots I can swap out FOP for it.
    Last edited by Irinis; 08-31-2010 at 01:42 PM.
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Irinis View Post
    Ok I'm gonna have to do the math instead of following what I done been told.

    Wizard 38 INT (not Pale Master)

    Max DC 37
    10 + 14 INT mod + 9 spell level + 2 Spell Focus + 2 item

    Bard 38 CHA Spellsinger

    Max DC 37
    10 + 14 CHA mod + 6 spell level +1 Spellsong trance +2 capstone + 2 Spell Focus + 2 item

    Well gosh durnit, that's a pretty DC. Thanks!
    (I'll have to remember to put spellsong up more often... usually used it just for the cost reduction while buffing.)
    So the only way a Wiz would have higher DC on enchants is if they went Pale Master and/or had a Spellsinger along. I like.

    Quicken WOULD be lovely. Maybe once I have all my other characters their boots I can swap out FOP for it.
    Yeah, keeping it all the time is nice
    Server: Thelanis
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  8. #8
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    Would drop a few ranks of versatility and a few ranks of energy of music and get song magic maxed 20% increase in total healing is worth more then 20 sp or +2 to skills imo.

    I can understand why you choose extra song 4 to unlock the music of the makers and the dead ap,but ask yourself the question or its really worth the 14 points of ap invested in it. As a 20 bard you will rarely run out of songs and as a human there so much great enh. to choose from like the healing amp line for instance, It will greatly increasure your survivability when you are happening to melee. Also those ap points can be invested in 20% more overal healing and 6% more crit heals and stronger crit multipliers it will increase your heals dramaticly.

    Also you might consider getting the +1 con instead of the +1 str as 2nd greater adap human ap. Able to melee is ofcourse fine, but running around with 22 con and not getting the +3 human toughness feat is a bit risky imo it will make you frail vs reflex and fortitude save based spells. Ofcourse your fine vs will based spells with your fop but eventually you will want to swap that out and then you really start to notice the failed saves. In this game if you want to melee hp is king,saves can fail hp doesn't. That's just my 2 cents tho.

    The base stats looks good but what kind of skills you'll get with that +2 every level tho. I never un out of skill points with my bard with just an 8 int point build.

  9. #9
    Community Member Irinis's Avatar
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    Good thoughts on Versatility and Energy. Will consider that.

    Extra Songs to unlock the cool songs is definitely worth it. Two words: Epic Sands.

    For the stats, I did consider +1 CON, however that gives 25 CON at the exact same use as 24 CON, so there's not really much point. If I got certain epic items, the Human Adaptability could be switched around, but as it is, the stats are even. If I got a +3 tome, I'd TR.

    Could certainly optimize further after epic items:

    STR 26 (14 +2 tome +7 epic item +1 exceptional (Warchanter ring) +2 rage spell)
    DEX 14 (8 +6 item)
    CON 26 (14 +2 tome +6 item +1 Human +1 epic exceptional (or +3 tome) +2 rage spell)
    INT 12 (12)
    WIS 14 (8 +6 concopp)
    CHA 40 (18 +5 levels +2 tome +1 Human +3 bard +2 capstone + 7 epic item +2 exceptional (Warchanter ring)


    Could look more like this with a LOT of work.

    Ring1 or Cloak: Epic Silver Concord CHA+7 Exceptional CHA+1
    Ring2: Any TOD ring or any epic item with Exceptional STR +1 or CON +1, the +6 stat will be useless
    Belt: Epic Mroranon with Exceptional STR +1 or CON +1

    STR 28 (14 +3 tome +7 epic +1 Human +1 exceptional (TOD ring or epic) +2 rage spell)
    CON 26 (14 +3 tome +6 item +1 epic exceptional +2 rage spell) (+2 in epics for 28 if crafted on Earthgrab weapon)
    CHA 42 (18 +5 levels +3 tome +1 Human +3 bard +2 capstone + 7 epic +1 exceptional (epic) +2 exceptional (TOD ring)

    Oh dear God the grinding... the insanity...
    Last edited by Irinis; 09-15-2010 at 07:24 AM.
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  10. #10
    Community Member Irinis's Avatar
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    End Stats Breakdown:

    UMD: 43 in front of a beholder

    23 ranks
    16 cha mod
    2 spellsinger II
    4 gh
    2 luck
    1 focusing chant
    =48 standing self-buffed

    Perform (+d20 roll): 43 standing

    23 ranks
    16 cha mod
    4 gh
    2 luck
    = 45 standing
    +1 focusing
    +15 item
    = 61 for epics

    Balance: 40

    18 ranks
    2 dex mod (with item)
    15 balance item
    4 gh
    2 luck


    23 ranks
    16 cha mod
    4 gh
    2 luck
    1 focusing
    15 item
    2 Coin lords
    = 63
    2 another bard
    5 monk
    = 70


    20 Heroic Durability
    120 Class (6 Bard x 20)
    22 Toughness feat
    20 Racial toughness enhancements
    140 from 24 CON (before Rage spell)
    20 Minos or Epic Toughness
    30 Greater False Life
    45 Shroud (ConcOpp)
    10 Draconic
    =427 unbuffed

    (She's sitting at 352 with Minos, GFL, CON of 22 at the moment, not all the gear is in yet.)

    20 Rage spell
    16 GH
    20 Inspire Greatness

    =483 self buffed


    Spreadsheet says 1381 after Archmagi and Shroud 150 at 38 CHA. No idea if that's right or not.
    Last edited by Irinis; 10-29-2010 at 05:45 PM. Reason: Updated stats for after gear
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  11. #11
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    Forgot +6 exception cha you'd make on your SP item or conc opp.
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  12. #12
    Community Member Irinis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BoBoDaClown View Post
    Forgot +6 exception cha you'd make on your SP item or conc opp.
    Nah not sure of gear yet due to epics so those numbers will be updated when she's all geared out. I may not make +charisma skills.

    Level 17, almost growed up! Still a blast, still using a +5 Anarchic Greataxe of PG... *embarrassed*

    Getting interrupted a LOT even though concentration is maxed. Do I need to slot in an item for that? Would +10 be enough to stop the constant interrupts? Almost considering grabbing Quicken at 18 instead of GSF: Enchant, it's gotten so annoying.
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  13. #13
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    Swap quicken for FOP (if you still have it)

    And grind/buy those boot ingredients, lazy ;p

    Problem solved.
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  14. #14
    The Hatchery karl_k0ch's Avatar
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    Why is the Int that high? Which skills do you max out besides UMD, Balance, Haggle and Perform? I guess concentration, but that still leaves two open skill slots.
    Has the Int value another benefit which I miss at the moment?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
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  15. #15
    Community Member Irinis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BoBoDaClown View Post
    Swap quicken for FOP (if you still have it)

    And grind/buy those boot ingredients, lazy ;p

    Problem solved.
    I know I know... but then I'd have to actually pay attention to WIS! Bards don't have to be wise! And I'm loving my superhigh will save!

    Ok, keeping to the plan... *sigh*

    GSF: Enchant at 18. HP ConcOpp as soon as I can, +2 WIS tome as soon as I can, hey presto feat swap. (I love FOP! But I love Quicken more! *cry*)

    Lowbies will have to fend for themselves on boots I guess!

    Quote Originally Posted by karl_k0ch View Post
    Why is the Int that high? Which skills do you max out besides UMD, Balance, Haggle and Perform? I guess concentration, but that still leaves two open skill slots.
    Has the Int value another benefit which I miss at the moment?
    Aelunira <-- Skills junkie

    In addition to the ones you listed: Concentration, Move Silently, a bit more than usual in Jump, a bit in Spot. Invis takes care of Hide checks.

    If INT doesn't matter to you and you want to follow the build otherwise, add more to STR and/or CON then adjust Human Versatility and tomes to reflect that.
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  16. #16
    Community Member Junts's Avatar
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    I wanted to give you a little feedback:

    With no feat to amplify it, there's no way your healing is raid-healing capable. 50-60 point mass cures are not enough to handle healing a round by yourself, as I suspect you discovered in that all-bard shroud not too long ago.

    You'll probably need to work in maximize spell (and make sure you get a sup ardor 6 clicky) if you want to be raid-healing capable, as well as quicken spell for practical purposes.

    Force of Personality is a very bad feat at high levels and I recommend you swap that one out: you can also afford to go without a spell penetration feat, because bards get gigantic enchantment-based spell penetration bonuses (in the capstone, etc). That will let you fulfill your goal of being able to raid-heal. Without quicken and maximize, you're falsely advertising if you bill yourself as capable of raid-healing.

  17. #17
    Community Member valorik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Junts View Post
    I wanted to give you a little feedback:

    With no feat to amplify it, there's no way your healing is raid-healing capable. 50-60 point mass cures are not enough to handle healing a round by yourself, as I suspect you discovered in that all-bard shroud not too long ago.

    You'll probably need to work in maximize spell (and make sure you get a sup ardor 6 clicky) if you want to be raid-healing capable, as well as quicken spell for practical purposes.
    she has maxamize.
    Arannel, Aqueous, Cocobolo, Arboreous, Erudirion, Congruous, and Cogs
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  18. #18
    Community Member Junts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by valorik View Post
    she has maxamize.
    Huh, looked twice and didn't see it.

    The above points re: quicken are well made by the other posters, you won't be able to heal anything but shroud and possibly dragon without it.

  19. #19
    Community Member valorik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Junts View Post
    Huh, looked twice and didn't see it.

    The above points re: quicken are well made by the other posters, you won't be able to heal anything but shroud and possibly dragon without it.
    level 6

    edit in* also my bard heals every raid with quicken off except edq, I still htink it's neseccary though for very very many quests and situations and meleeing while healing.
    Last edited by valorik; 09-15-2010 at 06:41 PM.
    Arannel, Aqueous, Cocobolo, Arboreous, Erudirion, Congruous, and Cogs
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  20. #20
    Community Member maddmatt70's Avatar
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    I personally have quicken on my bards rabiez and hangover. On rabiez and hangover though I rarely use quicken. I do not think it is very important for healing in the current game for any class really. It is nice if you are soloing or meleeing and want to drop a quick heal on occasion or for some reason you want to be absolutely sure to not break concentration, but it is of very limited use. I use it less then 5% of the time I would estimate.
    Norg Fighter12/Paladin6/Monk2, Jacquiej Cleric18/Monk1/Wiz1, Rabiez Bard16/Ranger3/Cleric1, Hangover Bard L20, Boomsticks Fighter12/Monk 6/Druid 2, Grumblegut Ranger8/Paladin6/Monk6, Rabidly Rogue L20, Furiously Rogue10/Monk6/Paladin4, Snowcones Cleric 12/Ranger 6/Monk 2, Norge Barbarian 12/FVS4/Rogue4. Guild:Prophets of The New Republic Khyber.

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