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Thread: Fixing Poison

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    Community Member CrescentCalling_5's Avatar
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    Jul 2010

    Default Fixing Poison

    Since two of my three suggestions got a huge number of posts (and one of them started the next crusades...) I decided to tackle a less controversial but more interesting issue

    Poisons, right now you probably know them as one of three things:

    1. Something monsters and traps tend to hit you with for fun
    2. Something your summoned monsters or spells sometimes beat up others with
    3. Something Rogue Assassin I holders like to use to pretend they didn't waste AP on an enhancement

    So right now, they're probably annoying or boring to you. You can't use them without a spell, and the poisons available to you as an Assassin are all but weak. Poisons could be so much more! As usual, I have an idea

    Idea put in simple: Get back to the roots.

    And now for the elaboration

    Part 1: Make Poisons into a set of Items

    Poisons shouldn't just be some spell or ability, they should be a buyable, useable, and interesting item. Perhaps even make a pouch to keep poisons in like collectibles and hireling contracts. Here's how the poison's use should work:

    1. Player activates the poison from inventory or quickbar.
    2. Player makes a Reflex Save against the Poison's Coating DC or fails to coat their weapon and suffers the poison's effects*
    3. If Successful, the Player's weapon is coated with poison.
    4. When a player successfully hits a target with a coated melee weapon, the weapon's coating lasts for 20 seconds and then wears off**. Coated ranged and thrown weapons can only be used once before the poison wears off (you're basically tossing the poison at the target, if it misses you don't get another shot).
    5. Player attacks their target with either melee or ranged weapon, on a successful hit the target makes a Fortitude Save against the Poison's DC or is inflicted with that poison***.

    *On a failed reflex save the player only suffers the poison's initial effects, not secondary damage.
    **When poison is used on a melee weapon the player recieves multiple chances to inflict it on the target but after a successful infliction or the time limit is reached the player must recoat their weapon. Editted as of 8/31/10
    ***Bosses and SubBosses retain a resistence to poison but no longer recieve immunity.Editted 8/31/10

    Now I guess it's time to explain the poison item in general, not just its use. Poisons have two word names, but both parts are important. The first name signifies the Difficulty Class of the poison. The second name signifies the Ability that the poison damages.

    First Name/Difficulty Class:

    Least = 1d2 ability damage*, Coating DC 12, Poison DC 15**
    Lesser = 1d3 ability damage, Coating DC 14, Poison DC 18
    Average = 2d2 ability damage, Coating DC = 16, Poison DC = 21
    Greater = 2d3 ability damage, Coating DC = 18, Poison DC = 25
    Deadly = 2d4 ability damage, Coating DC = 20, Poison DC = 28
    Lethal = 2d6 ability damage, Coating DC = 24, Poison DC = 32

    *This is initial ability damage btw, Poisons inflict initial and secondary damage, so the target can suffer a large penalty if they aren't careful (lethal poison can inflict 12 points of ability damage twice! Totalling 24 points, see how tough that Drow Scorpion is if he fails "that" save.)
    **Rangers recieve a +2 bonus to saves against Poison DC if one of their Favored Enemies is Vermin
    ***Rangers recieve a +2 bonus to Coating when coating a Bow with poison

    Note: Poisons that you coat onto a weapon are able to pierce poison immunity with a 33% chance. This does not include poison immunity brought on by fortification or racial immunities (such as undead and constructs) but does pierce magical immunities from spells or items.

    Second Name/Ability Damage:

    Spider Poison* = Strength Damage
    Scorpion Venom = Constitution Damage
    Bee Poison = Dexterity Damage

    *When using a poison on the same creature it is drawn from (ie. Spider poison on a spider) the target recieves a +6 racial bonus to the Fortitude Save against the Poison DC. The target also recieves a +1 circumstance bonus to Spot, Search, and a +2 bonus to Dodge AC against you while your weapon is coated due to the familiar scent the poison gives off.
    **If a Ranger takes the Vermin Favored Enemy feat, they receive a +2 circumstantial bonus to coating their weapon (this stacks with the bonus to coating a bow) with poison.

    (Regular Poisons cannot affect personality traits such as intelligence, charisma, and wisdom. Magical Poisons listed below affect those traits. Rangers recieve no bonuses regarding these poisons because they are derived from supernatural sources, not nature.)

    Hag Poison = Charisma Damage
    Naga Poison = Wisdom Damage
    Quasit Venom = Intelligence Damage

    Naturally these magical poisons cost more than their counterparts due to the...difficulty of gathering them. editted as of 9/1/10

    An example of a poison item then:

    Average Spider Poison-
    Coating DC: 16
    Poison DC: 21
    Requires Caster Level 10
    On a successful hit the target must make a Fortitude Save against poison or be inflicted with Average Spider Poison (2d2 Strength Damage).
    *Single Use

    Special Poisons* Implemented into this suggestion at 8/31/10

    *Rangers do not recieve any special benefit related to these poisons

    Some poisons do not inflict ability damage. Instead these specialized poisons inflict other negative effects (but obviously cost more). Below I listed the special poison suggestions.

    Difficulty Class Name:

    Least = 20 second effect, Coating DC 12, Poison DC 15
    Lesser = 40 second effect, Coating DC 14, Poison DC 18
    Average = 60 second effect, Coating DC = 16, Poison DC = 21
    Greater = 80 second effect, Coating DC = 18, Poison DC = 25
    Deadly = 90 second effect, Coating DC = 20, Poison DC = 28
    Lethal = 120 second effect, Coating DC = 24, Poison DC = 32

    Infliction Name:

    Poison of Silencing = target suffers 50% vocal based arcane spell failure (stacks with somatic based)
    Poison of Crippling = target has 50% reduced movement speed
    Poison of Atrophy = target suffers 50% reduced attack speed and casts somatic spells 10% slower
    Poison of Weakness = target suffers -2 penalty to all damage resistence*
    Poison of Age = target suffers -2 penalty to all saving throws (stacking to all other penalties)

    *If no damage resistence exists, the target suffers additional penalties when taking damage as if they had negative resistences

    An example of one of these poisons:

    Deadly Poison of Atrophy-
    Coating DC: 20
    Poison DC: 28
    Requires Caster Level 12*
    On a successful hit the target must make a Fortitude Save against poison or be inflicted with Deadly Atrophy Poison (90 seconds of reduced attack and casting speed).

    *Implemented to make sure a level 6 Rogue can't run around hitting enemies with lethal poisons. Helps to balance the new item into the game.

    Part Two: Assassin Enhancement Changes

    So now we've got poisons as an item, and my main happens to be a level 8 Rogue/Assassin I, right now (I love playing rogue ;3 which may be why it beat my wizzy :x) so am I or the rest of the Assassins out there going to be happy with our crappy poisons now that we're seeing these awesome new ones pop out? Should be obvious :P

    So next up, a revamp of the rogue Assassin enhancements. Here's my remade version of Rogue Assasin I:

    Rogue Assassin I
    Usage: Passive
    AP Cost: 2
    Requires: *same prerequisites*
    You gain a +1d6 bonus to Sneak Attack Damage, a +2 bonus to Bluff, Hide, and Move Silently Checks, and recieve a +1 circumstance bonus to Fortitude Saves against poison. All poisons you coat your weapons with receive a +2 bonus to the Poison DC*.

    *This bonus stacks in Rogue Assassin I/II/III making the Fortitude DC of all poisons at Rogue Assassin III, 6 points higher than normal (might not help much against a paladin but against most enemies, even bosses, it's a pretty good bonus).

    Includes the following ability:

    Assassin Poison Study
    Usage: Passive
    AP Cost: 0
    When coating a weapon with poison, you automatically succeed in the reflex saving throw against the Coating DC. (you automatically succeed when coating weapons with poison)

    Now let's add a little something to Rogue Assassin III to embellish on this concept:

    Assassin Poison Mastery
    Usage: Passive
    AP Cost: 0
    Requires: Rogue Assassin III (comes with it)
    Whenever a target successfully saves against your poisoned weapon, they are forced to make a second saving throw or be inflicted (Your poisoned weapons have two chances to inflict per successful hit instead of one). Additionally if you successfully sneak attack a target with a coated weapon, the poison's DC increases by a further 4 (Poisons applied through sneak attacks become nearly impossible to resist).

    I think I did pretty well here at least I won't start another holy war.

    Comments? Critiques? Thoughts? I've been wondering about this ever since I hit level 6 xD
    Last edited by CrescentCalling_5; 09-01-2010 at 07:06 PM.

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