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  1. #1
    Founder Shiiome's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Default Some advice from the vets

    Hi, I just recently got back into DDO after a few years. I was on at launch but my schedule didn't really let me get very far before I had to drop. Anyway, now that I plan on being able to devote more time to the game I had a few questions about end game numbers.

    I'm not looking to use a pre made build, although I do plan to check some out for reference, but I'm not really sure what viable numbers would looke like. For example, what's an appropriate armor class for an end game intimitank, what are decent saves, what's a good to hit bonus? If there's a thread that I'm not finding that answers these questions for me I would appreciate being pointed in the right direction.

    I've been mapping out some characters with the character planner, but it's hard to know if I'm putting together something that will be a hindrance since I don't know what good looks like. I have a premium account, but since I just started I don't have access to 32 point builds or drow. Any advice is much appreciated.

  2. #2
    Community Member twix's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2007


    Make what ever you want get 1750 favor and reroll or tr into a 32-34 point build.Thats what i would do.

  3. #3
    Community Member Asymetric_War's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    65 ac unbuffed is the magic number for most raids on normal. add bark skin and you're at 70, bard songs and you're higher then that. above 70 bosses start missing you,below 70 they'll hit most or all of the time. higher is obviously better and there are people walking around with ac in the 90's.

    55 intim is a solid base for an intimitank (23 skills + 15 item + 6 cha bonus + 3 focus + 2 bullheaded + 6 greensteel). add bard buffs and things start to get fun. again, higher is obviously better, I have a guildie with a 73 intim.

    saves in the 20's are decent, 30's are better, 40's are hard or impossible to get on most builds but if you can make it happen then by all means go for it.

    these numbers will change as new content is added. good luck!
    DDO Rogue FAQ:
    Find me on Cannith: Level 20's: Scathach (x2) / Boudicca / Caileach / Fhirdhia / Cuchulain / Maedb (x2) / Dagdha

  4. #4


    follow my sig to the ddowiki forums and look thru the templates for new players page for the gladiator or dwarven defender builds
    If you want to know why...

  5. #5
    Community Member DevilButcher's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Can someone tell me, what key equipment do you need to find to help get to that magic number AC?

    maybe a break down? Oh and can it be done with out the need of a sheild.

    **** EDIT my bad Im a dumb ass, thank you Aranticus you da man.
    Last edited by DevilButcher; 09-01-2010 at 03:57 AM.
    A paladin joins a pug run. Once in quest a Halfling summons an Iron defender, starts spewing grease all over the paladin’s feet/Paladin falls.

    Paladin says “WHAT THE F***! THAT DOES NOT HELP!!" The Halfling reply’s "Sure it does, gives me a laugh every time.”
    (this joke is mine ) want to see more? DevilButcher's DDO Jokes

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