Coven of Heroes, one of Cannith's most active guilds is currently recruiting.

Interested people should visit the COH website and read the "Guild Overview" and "Mission Statement" threads under the General Discussion topic.

The "Guild Overview" thread discusses how one goes about joining COH.

Our "Mission Statement" should give you a general idea of what we are about so you can make the best informed decision for yourself before beginning the application process.

Our guild is comprised of a wide mixture of players who are at different stages in their game. Some of our guild members are very experienced and have been around for quite awhile. Some guild members are also quite new to the game. Whatever you seek from your gaming experience we are sure to provide you with many opportunities as long as you bring a pleasant attitude and like to have fun.

Our officers will provide a steady raiding schedule on a weekly basis ranging from the lowest level raids to Epic content.

Our website can be found here:
