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  1. #1
    The Hatchery teh_meh's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default Holy Blossoming Giraffe Head Stew (aka WF Immunities)

    Don't ask me why I am just finding out about this after playing DDO for over 4 months. Anyways, I just stumbled across a post from some dude explaining why his WF monk is the best tank in the I did some investigating. And what I uncovered was shocking:

    You have to be kidding me right? No getting held or level-drained? Ever??? Total disease immunity? Does that mean no fear of being blighted or mummified as well? I knew WF had some advantages worth purchasing but I had no idea it was this heinous. If you take this feat, know that you are thrusting your fist into the torso and ripping the guts out of everything that is Dungeons and Dragons. More like 'Dungeons and Potpourri'. I can understand Turbine wanting to create a class that makes DDO more accessible to younger/newer players...fine. But if you are any self-respecting gamer or D&D fan, I know you could not possibly be playing a warforged anything.

    No dread from fighting undead and beholders?

    When I see your WF from now on, I am going to be thinking this:

    And your guides and youtube videos, showing people how 'solo this' or 'defeat that' with your WF toon? It gets filed under 'usefulness', along with this:

    And on behalf of all of us who play traditional races with all the traditional frailties, you just got served suckah!

    75% of every death I experienced grinding my toon to 20 was because I failed a save and got held/slowed or heavily stat/energy drained so KNOW that you are playing in god mode when you play a warforged.

    PS. this post is mostly a joke because I am bored and the servers are down for maintenance. But feel free to flame me regardless. If your comments/insults are too harsh, no worries. I will just stumble over to the DDO Store and buy myself a WF which probably comes with Immunity: Hurt Feeling From Forum Posts as well.
    Last edited by teh_meh; 08-30-2010 at 10:52 AM.

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