Do you want a guild tag, but don't actually want to interact with people? Have you been booted out of your guild for being stupid/lame/smarter-than-everyone-else? Are you socially inept? Are you horrifically ugly? Do you smell god awful? Is your name Larry? Do you laugh at healers when they complain that you're LoS?
If you're currently without a guild tag, and feel it a shame that the renown you might be earning otherwise, is simply going to waste, and/or one of the other questions above fits you, than consider joining Quality Goods and Services. A simple guild where you can kick your feet up and just play the game. No one to wonder when you're going to help them get gear/level them/show them how to play, no pain in the ass guild leaders wondering when you're going to level up a healer so the rest of the guild doesn't have to. In a nutshell, I want you in this guild until you find one that better suits your I can leech the HELL out of your renown! GIVE IT!
When you find the guild that makes you smile and clap your hands, simply /guild quit and enjoy the rest of your day, knowing that I love you for the renown you were able to earn for my little sanctuary.
Interested? Send in game mail to Peachfuzz so I can send you back a guild invite. And remember, if you're playing the game and you have no guild tag, kittens are dying in the order of 3 for every quest you do, 5 for every raid, and 1 for every 25 kills you make in the wild. NO PRESSURE! Thanks, and have a wonderful day!
That is all.