I hope the OP will not mind if i use his topic, there is already enuff of this.
So i has some spare tp (around 400) so its time to buy something fresh.
My current list: Catacombs, STK, tangleroot, SharmSYndicate, Carnival, Sorrowdusk, Sentinels, Delera, Red Fens, Mechantarum, GH, Necro IV, Vale, Reaver, Devils.
My toons are mostly DC caster and swisknife squishes (some rogue bards, or rangers).
I do not stay long at cap, so epic content is not so hot.
So far i liked mostly STK, for feeling of expedicion, Necro IV for some chalenge, and Revers Reach mostly for SoS (again the feeling of doing something big). Gianthold tor and PoP are also fun since it something else than go and kill.
Quest im disappinted with are Catacombs and Delera, undead are somehow dump enemies.
Im looking for:
1. Quest which are fun even after n run. Basicly something more than go into and kill everything dont run away fast enought.
2. Some nice loot for my toons.
3. Extra xp at cap will be helpful. SOme of cap quest i prefer to only once on each difficulty and over.
I know about sirgog guide, however im more into pack not mentioned there, so some feedback from ppl who owned them, that what im looking for. I would like to choose from:
Path of Inspiracion - description sounds like fun and different, + for solo friendly ( i rather pug, but sometimes group fils slow) also i want titan grip ;-)
Reign of Madness - right level, some greater focus items i can benefit from.
Attack on Stormreach - liked deception storyline, but at this level i have some other option from xp purpose.
So, any ideas?
IQ, Dreaming Dark, and Reign of Madness are for the most part very solo-friendly. Reign of Madness is definitely the most unique of the packs, but DD has a lot of charm too. IQ has too many phasing monsters to be taken seriously.