Due to the fact that I had that feat and those enhancements prior to getting rid of the feat (expensive.. took a while to get the dragonshard needed) and respecced out the enhancements. Not worth it, to me at least. Needed the feat for other stuff. Paladin's don't get enough of them.
Why turn when you can get divine light and do loads of damage to them? I have a lvl 9 and also a lvl 20 pally and I never try to turn-my lvl 20 can drop a ton of divine light III's and that pretty much does it.Just saying.
That is how I feel too. This game is just about fun for me, and watching them vaporize is funny. I will have to check out the Divine light stuff though.
I selected Defender of Siberys at lvl 6, is that a mistake if I wanted to check out the Divine Light damage? Is that only for KoTC ?
All of this is new to me since I never ran a Pally before. So far I am liking the saves, high AC, and my bastard sword/tower shield combo. I have a Carnifex axe for THF melee action also.
didn't see this covered yet but the skeletons only vaporise if you are 2 times the level of their HD so basically you need to be double their level before they will vaporise, to raise your "effective level" use the level 1 spell seek eternal rest and some of the items mentioned. also the feats improved turning and enhancments all stack to add to this too
Destroying Undead
If you have twice as many levels (or more) as the undead have Hit Dice, you destroy any that you would normally turn.
couldn't find a link to turning in the compendium but the rules are in the turn undead tooltip in game and follow the same pattern
Foresights The Trickster, 13 Rogue/7 Monk, Thelanis
Flamebearer Foresight, 20 Fvs, Thelanis
DDO europe player, seems my teleport went bad i seem to be in a parallel universe called thelanis...
No, Divine Light is an Enchancement available to any paladin. It burns a Turn Undead use to cause 4d6 (for Divine Light I) Light damage to all undead in a (relatively large) radius centered on the paladin. Useful for Delera's and Necropolis (so far). Makes short work of all the Ghostly Skeleton's in the later parts of Delera's. Even more fun than paired Ghost Touch weapons for all the wraiths.
You know, I've not tried Carnifex on the Paladin, yet. Would be interesting. Although, I'm loving the dual khopesh layout that I've got right now. Now, if only I could manage to pull a Holy/PG version. Oh, well. Until then, I'll have to settle for Flaming Burst on one and Shocking Burst on the other. :P
I can't really agree with this.
While he should definitely ignore trolling posts, he shouldn't accept 2sp as standard for a lvl 5 paladin.
You need Wisdom to cast your spells, and Wisdom adds to your spell points.
If you only have 2, then you're Wis is very low. You won't be able to cast many of your higher level spells unless this is raised.
(lvl1 needs 11, lvl2 needs 12, lvl3 needs 13, lvl4 needs 14)
For my latest Pally build, I put 14 into WIS and immediately had 28sp off the Veteran boat(at level 4).
14 is high enough to cast level 4 spells, and I don't have to worry with it the rest of the game, nor waste an item slot on a + to WIS. (I'll probably get flamed for that suggestion, but I'm going for pure AC, and didn't need the STR)
Don't worry too much about the Wis if you aren't going to use higher level spells. Get a WIS item to raise you to just the level of spells you want to cast.
Get a Power weapon for your spell points. I spotted a Dagger of Power III on the AH last night for around 1.5K plat. Not bad...
Last edited by Urdadi; 08-31-2010 at 12:12 PM.
To the OP, I see from your other threads that you've addressed your spell points issue.
Good luck on your turns!
As for my own experience, i really do think 14 WIS at creation is a waste
Put to CHA/DEX, or even INT for skill point is way better
at Class level 4 we can only cast level 1 spell
Level 4 spell is like class lvl 12 (or 11 or 13)
So I bet if u have 12 WIS at creation, and find/buy a +2 WIS tome (after lvl 7), u will be able to cast anything without any WIS item
If you are worried about SP pool, go for wizardry items that you switch to when u shrine
So i bet, if u really want to save a spot, 12 WIS is the very maximum I'd do at creation (or correspondingly, if u have a +3 tome, 11 WIS is the max)