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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default Looking for a guild that works together....

    I've got some MMO experience, and have put some time into DDO. I'm looking for a guild where a 39 y.o. will fit in. My toon is Vanleer, warforged favored soul. I also have a new toon i am about to start working on. VIP and daily player. Was in a guild for a while, but never saw another member online, and certainly never heard from them.......
    For some reason, I don't think that that is the way it should be?.?,
    Enlighten me


  2. #2
    Community Member Jaxien's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    You may find The Silver Legion a good fit. We are a part of a long-standing, multi-game guild called Guild Medieval. A lot of our players are around your age or older. We do have rules about language and treating people with respect. There are usually a good number of people playing at any given time of the day or night. We are very helpful and friendly. We require the use of our forums. We are a casual guild; we believe that real life comes first. But you can usually find someone to party with, unless they are already busy with something else.

    Check us out at If you like what you see, put in an application. We would be glad to have you.

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Smile Talos Knoxx

    Yo Vanleer, I Am a 16Y.O. Guild leader of the Talos Knoxx Guild. I am online every night from 6:00pm to 8-9:00pm (US & Canada Mt. Time) And The guild is currently at level 6, and has 3 members including me... And They are online almost every day. In MY guild if a members is not online for a maximum if 2 months I WILL kick them from the guild... So In MY Guild you do not have to worry about nobody being online. and if you want to form a party in the guild just ask... I will always help out... So Please consider joining Talos Knoxx. To join send a tell or in-game mail to Cagedkllr, or Deceleon, or Thaan, simply saying you want to join the guild... Thank You.

  4. #4
    Community Member Phedra's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default The Doom Brigade

    We are currently trying to revive a guild which has seen grant days in the past; a guild whose members always referred to it as home and meant it. We are a casual guild and currently only a few but striving on fixing that.

    We are The Doom Brigade

  5. #5
    Community Member ladyofevilness's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    My guild is build around teamwork. We have members on every day and night. We also have an alliance with a few other guild and a chat channel between us so theres also people on line to help. Our way of thinking is its a game and some people take it to seriously and forget to have fun. Also some guild are like a job rather than a helping hand from friends. We dont have required anything from our guild members. Like I said its about fun, helping and teamwork. Dungeons and Dragasses, not as slow as the name implies.

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