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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default has this ever happened to you?

    well, first of all, my fvs name is holymastah, no need to hide behind another nick on forum, thats my char.

    Usually, my playstyle sums up to:

    1- i always keep quicken on

    2- if my group loses hp to fast, i use first mass cure serious/critical b4 casting mass heal, because i already know that mass heal is somewhat slow for cast even when quickened, and i rather group to survive till i finish casting it

    3- if i see that my group loses like 25% hp in 1 hit, i know that unless a critical is pulled out on one of them(well, considering i am a fvs with mass heal(lvl 18+), hardly my group will b below the moderate fortification to actually b smacked by crits that easily), that i have time to cast mass heal, and even so for most occasions i still cast mass cure crit beforehand, and always, as long as i had mana, i kept pretty much the whole group, alive, and when we had 1 or 2 deaths, i was already ressing them when i had time in between the heals

    4- i know i am not a perfect healer, and **** does happen in rare occasions, but only when group is specially noob we manage to wipe while i heal, usually from splitting up so mass cures doesnt hit everybody and i have to target every one of them to single heals, then we have a few undesired deaths

    but today, i joined a group for a new invasion on hard. The leader asked me if i had mass heal on my hotbar, and i replied i have it, and then suddenly, he is asking for the leader star back. I was confused because i didnt even know how the star ended up with me for starters, but i gave it back, and then, he boots me.

    I asked why was i booted, and then he says "i heard u use mass heal too much and its too slow". Well, i then explained to him "I use mass heal when i see my group isnt paper made to die while i cast it, and i have many other healing sourcers going from single target to mass cures, which i could easily cast keeping empower and emp heal on for over 200 heal a cure(over 400s for heals), however if you rather not have me on the group due to a rumor (which i dont know where it came from, since ever since i got mass heal, even when i overuse it, my party never got anywhere near wipe), instead of seeing me play and make ur own conclusions, maybe ur group really isnt worth the shot"

    then he replies "oo, ok, we suck and not worth ur time"

    and i get back to him " never said u suck, because different from u, i dont take conclusions b4 i actually see the person playing" and squelched/ B listed him

    now the question, has anyone ever been kicked from a party for having mass heal spell and for a meaningless rumor(even if its true, no group i "overused" mass heal so far died from it)? Because i expected better from ddo players on lvl 18+

    on a side note: for a group trying new invasion on hard i expected them to b able to take some hits instead of being that worried that they may die b4 a heal lands on. I have been to new invasion on hard with a good group b4, and i managed to heal them fine since damage wasnt piling up as fast as i expected considering it was on hard

    /rant off
    Last edited by bunitchu; 08-29-2010 at 03:11 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member twix's Avatar
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    Id be more worried if you DIDNT have mass heal...

  3. #3
    Community Member AylinIsAwesome's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bunitchu View Post
    3- if i see that my group loses like 25% hp in 1 hit, i know that unless a critical is pulled out on one of them(well, considering i am a fvs with mass heal(lvl 18+), hardly my group will b below the moderate fortification to actually b smacked by crits that easily), that i have time to cast mass heal, and even so for most occasions i still cast mass cure crit beforehand, and always, as long as i had mana, i kept pretty much the whole group, alive, and when we had 1 or 2 deaths, i was already ressing them when i had time in between the heals
    Based on your post, I think the only thing you did wrong was heal people without 100% Fort.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by AylinIsAwesome View Post
    Based on your post, I think the only thing you did wrong was heal people without 100% Fort.
    xD, good point, but the idea i tried to transmit was, not considering the nearly absurd possibility of ppl 18+ still not having heavy fort, that when i see a 25% loss on the red bars on a single attack of lets say, harry, then i toss mass heal, because i know that by the time it lands, the chances that they are 50% or less and needing a full red bar again, are big, but if i see massive damage like 1 hit and the player is on 25% instead of losing that amount, then i launch faster heals, that are the mass cures, because the chances that they are dead b4 mass heal lands, are big as well

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by bunitchu View Post
    then he replies "oo, ok, we suck and not worth ur time"
    nuf said

    I see nothing wrong on your part.

    Also, its much easier to solo new invasion on hard for a FvS (especially the last fight) than to group with 5 others that are worried about mass heal being slow

    do keep in mind that while harry on normal cant do much more than 300 dmg within a mass heal cool down period, a few fire ele tossing DBF at group of melees running through bladebarriers can.
    Last edited by ColinQ; 08-29-2010 at 07:20 PM.
    Vairs - clc 20 , Aairs - wiz 20, Xairs - Brb 20, Zairs - FvS20, Sairs - Pal18/Mk2, Jairs - Brd 20

  6. #6
    Founder Matuse's Avatar
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    He does suck and is not worth your time. Booting someone for having mass heal? That's a big dollop of epic stupid.
    Kobold sentient jewel still hate you.

  7. #7
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Thank that leader.

    They just saved you from 90 ugly minutes, the expenditure of countless Heal scrolls and/or mana potions, and a big repair bill.

    If you want to complete that quest on Hard, it's easier to solo it than to carry a PUG. Especially one where the leader is so bad that they think Mass Heal is a bad spell.
    I don't have a zerging problem.

    I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.

  8. #8
    Community Member Tumarek's Avatar
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    really any group that dies faster then you can mass heal is not worth the effort. I never use the cures once i got mass heal and so far every halfway good group did really fine.

  9. #9
    Community Member SINIBYTE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bunitchu View Post
    well, first of all, my fvs name is holymastah, no need to hide behind another nick on forum, thats my char.

    Usually, my playstyle sums up to:

    1- i always keep quicken on

    2- if my group loses hp to fast, i use first mass cure serious/critical b4 casting mass heal, because i already know that mass heal is somewhat slow for cast even when quickened, and i rather group to survive till i finish casting it

    3- if i see that my group loses like 25% hp in 1 hit, i know that unless a critical is pulled out on one of them(well, considering i am a fvs with mass heal(lvl 18+), hardly my group will b below the moderate fortification to actually b smacked by crits that easily), that i have time to cast mass heal, and even so for most occasions i still cast mass cure crit beforehand, and always, as long as i had mana, i kept pretty much the whole group, alive, and when we had 1 or 2 deaths, i was already ressing them when i had time in between the heals

    4- i know i am not a perfect healer, and **** does happen in rare occasions, but only when group is specially noob we manage to wipe while i heal, usually from splitting up so mass cures doesnt hit everybody and i have to target every one of them to single heals, then we have a few undesired deaths

    but today, i joined a group for a new invasion on hard. The leader asked me if i had mass heal on my hotbar, and i replied i have it, and then suddenly, he is asking for the leader star back. I was confused because i didnt even know how the star ended up with me for starters, but i gave it back, and then, he boots me.

    I asked why was i booted, and then he says "i heard u use mass heal too much and its too slow". Well, i then explained to him "I use mass heal when i see my group isnt paper made to die while i cast it, and i have many other healing sourcers going from single target to mass cures, which i could easily cast keeping empower and emp heal on for over 200 heal a cure(over 400s for heals), however if you rather not have me on the group due to a rumor (which i dont know where it came from, since ever since i got mass heal, even when i overuse it, my party never got anywhere near wipe), instead of seeing me play and make ur own conclusions, maybe ur group really isnt worth the shot"

    then he replies "oo, ok, we suck and not worth ur time"

    and i get back to him " never said u suck, because different from u, i dont take conclusions b4 i actually see the person playing" and squelched/ B listed him

    now the question, has anyone ever been kicked from a party for having mass heal spell and for a meaningless rumor(even if its true, no group i "overused" mass heal so far died from it)? Because i expected better from ddo players on lvl 18+

    on a side note: for a group trying new invasion on hard i expected them to b able to take some hits instead of being that worried that they may die b4 a heal lands on. I have been to new invasion on hard with a good group b4, and i managed to heal them fine since damage wasnt piling up as fast as i expected considering it was on hard

    /rant off
    His loss, man. I've ran with you on quite a few occassions.

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