Tried searching the forums, but apart from a few references to auto-attack I could not find how it works in DDO.
I play LoTRO quite a bit, and in that game auto-attack means that once a target is selected and auto-attack turned on, son long as I remain in range of the mob and don't use skills with an induction timer, a basic weapon attack occurs automatically every couple of seconds or so, without me having to do anything else.
In DDO, I saw an option somewhere in the UI settings that says something along the lines that a double click will activate auto attack. Maybe I am missing something, but so far I have not been able to force my toon to keep swinging at a target (what I would understand as auto-attack in LoTRO) regardless of how many times I tried clicking the mob (or its image in the targetting window).
Is there auto-attack in DDO, and if there is one, how exactly does it work and how do I activate it?
Thanks for any help and for the patience with a noob.