...and you know what was cool? I looted a pair of gloves, and when I equipped them, I actually saw them.
...and you know what was cool? I looted a pair of gloves, and when I equipped them, I actually saw them.
Want to remain guildless or solo, but still want to take advantage of the guild renown system?
Solo / Guildless / No Pressure / The Guildless Guild on Argonnessen
Way too solo oriented. I love the graphics, and the minigame they have with the cards, but I can't stand how it's almost purely solo oriented until right at the endgame.
was it BTC?
Synergia Merlocke (Wiz, Heroic/Epic/Iconic Completionist x3) Merloc (Cleric Tank) Merlocked (Barb) Merlocc (Rog)
If you want to take months to get to the end, yeah.
After about a year after release, if you ran with a group you could cap in a month on a not-even-hardcore playtime by grouping and burning dungeons to the ground for the insane XP and the best loot far faster than you could hope to do on your own.
I stopped playing after the third expansion because the game was already on a long track downhill and I wanted to get out before SOE took too much of my cash. I look back on that game with fond memories, but as someone who played the game on alternating hardcore and casual times/styles, I look at most everything past the Faydwer expansion and I literally think "why would you want all that extra garbage?"
The game is SO bogged down with pointless retexturings and just dead content that I can't look at it and find it the least bit attractive anymore. (They released a fairy race with Echoes of Faydwer. Then in the next expansion THEY RELEASED THE SAME RACE WITH A DIFFERENT NAME but now they're evil.)
Problems with their F2P system: If you pay your $15/month, you can keep playing on the crappy server with the free-to-plays or go to a real server and play the normal game. If you choose to put up with the free-to-plays, you're limited to four races and have to buy the rest of them yourself. You pay the same price to get kicked in the balls.
yes, you get it sir! i loved this game until they came out with fairies!!! i played about a week of that expac, keep in mind i was on the pvp server and had a capped toon with everything before the expac so i was more than ready for a change. but omfg the game just got to... well i cant say the word im looking for but you can guess it
i was fortunate to never see the evil faires, as the good ones made me quit, i was evil on a pvp server so making them was not easy, but i took 5 hours maybe on a new char and it was enough to know this game was not for me. also SoE is the devil of gaming and i hate giving them money after all they have done to us the gaming community![]()
Boy the gameplay pendulum really swung completely the other way, didn't it?
I made the jump from EQ to EQ2 when it was first released and it was basically impossible to solo anything that would move your xp bar. I assumed that was in direct response to EQ1 subscriber complaints that some classes (Druid, Necromancer) were excellent soloers while for others it was nearly impossible. SOE's solution was to make it impossible for all.
Also, too many classes had overlapping skills, making it difficult for some classes to get groups. I remember my main character being a pet-class. The pet was absolutely pathetic- could NOT hold aggro against an enraged moth- and had a nasty tendency to aggro stuff through walls and floors, getting a disturbingly large number of assorted critters mad at it for the approximately 1.2 seconds it lived and then transferring aggro to you, the now-dead pet's owner.
Then there was the crafting 'system', which ranked something below "take a cheese grater to your scrotum" on the "Pleasant Things To Do" list.
Got to admit...they did the visuals right. EQ2 was without question the best looking pile of steaming weasel **** I have ever seen.
Good to know that I made the right move and /cancelled.