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  1. #1

    Default When can we start using Astral Diamonds for ship amenities?

    - So there's a mechanism for guildies to deposit AD in the guild account. Check.
    - You can buy them in small or big quantities. Check.
    - You can use them to buy the ship. Check.
    - Amenities that are used by the entire guild can be purchased by...only one individual? Huh?

    Seems like the mechanism is in place to allow everyone to donate AD (or plat for that matter) to a fund. The mechanism is there to use that fund to buy a guild item (airship). Why is this not in place for airship amenities as well?

    Seems like it was intended to be this way, and someone just forgot to finish that last step. Am I missing something obvious or is this just kind of a glaring missing element?

    Those gold seal XP shrines add up...sure would like to get a better mechanism going to share the cost.
    Looting's our business and business is good.
    Officer On Thelanis - Deathseer, Deathslasher, Deathcount, Deathslicer, Deathspinner, Deathsneak, Deathswiper, Deathdoctor

  2. #2
    Community Member Greeka's Avatar
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    Only guild leader and officers can do the purchasing of crew members and amenities. Players that are just members of the guild are the ones that cannot buy. Impress your guild and get promoted to an officer and you can buy these things yourself for the guild, but be careful and discuss purchasing stuff with the officers and leader first unless you want to be demoted back to member.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Greeka View Post
    Only guild leader and officers can do the purchasing of crew members and amenities. Players that are just members of the guild are the ones that cannot buy. Impress your guild and get promoted to an officer and you can buy these things yourself for the guild, but be careful and discuss purchasing stuff with the officers and leader first unless you want to be demoted back to member.
    Meant it the other way around. I am an officer and currently buy amenities. But we have members that would be happy to donate. I'd like to see, as an officer, being able to use funds (or diamonds) from the guild ship deposit to be able to buy amentities instead of an officer having to pony up their own funds.
    Looting's our business and business is good.
    Officer On Thelanis - Deathseer, Deathslasher, Deathcount, Deathslicer, Deathspinner, Deathsneak, Deathswiper, Deathdoctor

  4. #4
    Community Member RTN's Avatar
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    It's time to necro this thread. This really needs to be looked at. Right now, officers need to suck up the TP costs of amenities that aren't plat unlocked. This is fundamentally unfair.

    As Deathseeker wrote, we have the ability to donate Astral Diamonds to purchase ships. Make those available to purchase amenities on the ship. This allows the entire guild to participate and doesn't burden guild officers with all the costs. Turbine still gets our points (i.e., $$$), so what is the problem? Let officers make purchases from the guild fund (cash and Astral Diamonds) that exists to purchase ships.

  5. #5
    Community Member Requiro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RTN View Post
    It's time to necro this thread. This really needs to be looked at. Right now, officers need to suck up the TP costs of amenities that aren't plat unlocked. This is fundamentally unfair.

    As Deathseeker wrote, we have the ability to donate Astral Diamonds to purchase ships. Make those available to purchase amenities on the ship. This allows the entire guild to participate and doesn't burden guild officers with all the costs. Turbine still gets our points (i.e., $$$), so what is the problem? Let officers make purchases from the guild fund (cash and Astral Diamonds) that exists to purchase ships.

    Turbine: It is in your interest to allow that. You will earn more money

  6. #6
    Community Member KingOfCheese's Avatar
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    Yeah--this seems like a win, win, win, win, win situation.

    Unless I'm missing something, there doesn't seem to be any downside to this. And it seems like the coding would not be terribly difficult--and worth the time in terms of additional revenue that would come in.
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  7. #7
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    I agree that there should definitely be some sort of mechanism allowing guild members to purchase amemnities.

    In fact I don't understand why there isn't some sort of storage facility for amemnities that guildies can place purchased items into and officers can access and use. If it's an issue of guildies sticking up shrines that officers don't feel should be there, then make the purchased amemnities able to be passed on someway. Whether it be handing them into the First Mate so officers can access them or creating a new mechanic that can be unlocked for the ship at a certain level.
    Don't let common sense stop you...
    Qualified Devil's Advocate ` Refugee Boldrei '06 / Keeper '09

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Rasczak View Post
    I agree that there should definitely be some sort of mechanism allowing guild members to purchase amemnities.

    In fact I don't understand why there isn't some sort of storage facility for amemnities that guildies can place purchased items into and officers can access and use. If it's an issue of guildies sticking up shrines that officers don't feel should be there, then make the purchased amemnities able to be passed on someway. Whether it be handing them into the First Mate so officers can access them or creating a new mechanic that can be unlocked for the ship at a certain level.
    I think this would be a fine solution as well...allow members to buy the contracts and pass them in some manner, just not place them. Of course the text would have to be VERY CLEAR in the store that if you aren't an officer you can't place the amenity, but other than that this would be a solution to the issue as well.

    Turbine, kinda makin me feel like Jerry Mcguire here on this one, this change is good and will make money for you!....
    Last edited by Deathseeker; 10-12-2010 at 11:54 AM.
    Looting's our business and business is good.
    Officer On Thelanis - Deathseer, Deathslasher, Deathcount, Deathslicer, Deathspinner, Deathsneak, Deathswiper, Deathdoctor

  9. #9
    Community Member RTN's Avatar
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    Couldn't agree more. I personally prefer the Astral Diamonds guild donation method since it allows flexibility, but so long as we have SOME way to enable non-officers to contribute, I'll be happy. Right now the only real alternatives are very clunky and awkward--they're cobbled together workarounds, not solutions. (FYI, I'm not an officer, so this isn't me whining about my own TP--I want to SPEND my TP for the benefit of my guild)

    Please Turbine, let us give you more TP (i.e., $$$)!

  10. #10
    Community Member PNellesen's Avatar
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    I'm not an officer, but would be quite happy to put a few ADs in the pot if this mechanism existed. As it is now, I feel guilty even asking an officer to refresh a particularly useful amenity that's expired though in every case they've done it within minutes of asking.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ertay View Post
    While they were at it though, the devs decided to go on an incredible nerfhammer rampage and left nothing in their wake standing...

  11. #11
    Community Member RTN's Avatar
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    The new update is in place, the special event has started and now devs are probably bored with nothing to do.

    This would be the perfect time for Devs to read this thread and realize this idea is pure brilliance. Everyone wins. Officers aren't overburdened, guilds don't have to come up with complicated ways to get around the restrictions, members can contribute to their guilds and Turbine makes more $$$.

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