just came back to DDO after some time away, and when i started the game, or at least tried to, i got an interesting issue. i shall explain.

now, i have read that the TDM is no longer available. and should auto-delete when it is run.

so... i started the game, expecting TDM to run a modified installer, and remove itself, leaving a launcher for ddo in it's place.

and it did so.. woop...

but i believe that the file used to do this has been compromised. or at least my version of AVG does.

as it was downloading i got a lovely popup from AVG saying that the file :

d:\program files\turbine\Interim Turbine Download Manager\skin.dll

was infected with the virus :


no idea what that virus is, or whether AVG is just being paranoid. but well... i moved it to the virus vault in AVG and thought i should mention it somewhere... here seemed a good enough place.