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Thread: Improving PvP

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  1. #10
    Community Member BitkaCK2's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default Square peg round hole

    I'm amazed this thread is still going.

    Okay, so I'm going to to try and sum up, people that like PvP want to improve PvP in a game designed for PvE. What we've got here is a classic:

    A point was brought up about PvP bringing in cash for Turbine but do you see the mess created by forcing that square peg into that round hole? That's going to be expensive to clean up. I posit that Turbine would actual lose money trying to fit what was an afterthought into a game designed for PvE.

    Another point that was brought up was "If Turbine had infinite resources" and "If all bugs were fixed, PrEs complete, and a steady flow of new content secured" why not improve PvP. From a programming perspective there's a good chance of breaking something try to improve and further integrate what is essentially a 'stub' in a game designed for PvE.

    Relating to the above point but also to one brought up about the player base, I and many others that play DDO for PvE would rather see resources go towards new races, classes, world (shaping?) events, crafting improvements, UI improvements, graphical updates, and a host of many other 'anything other than PvP' improvements.

    So again, trying to improve PvP in a game coded from ground up for PvE and having a PvE player base* is like trying to put a square peg in a round hole.


    *Seriously, how many people say "I feel like pwning sum noobs" and then go play DDO for PvP.
    Last edited by BitkaCK2; 08-31-2010 at 07:16 PM.

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