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  1. #21
    Community Member blackdrowarcanenuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thwart View Post
    I am not a VIP but I solve this logging out problem by hitting the log out button and then never answering the confirmation question. Just leave the yes or no box open and it will keep waiting for your answer ... seemingly forever. At least, I have never been logged off when I do this.

    right said this is the best option and it works really really well

  2. #22
    Community Member Dingdongtudelu's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    I completely and wholeheartedly support this idea for people who are alone in a dungeon. As soon as someone else enters, the AFK person gets kicked after a set time period. That'd prevent abuse in groups. You could go even further and implement an /askafk command, that'd send a confirmation box to the party, asking them if it's ok if this person goes afk for an undefined period of time. If the whole group votes yes, no timer is set for that person.

    I'd love for something like that. With the birth of a new son, I frequently have to afk at random intervals. Because I do not want to bug anyone I play with, I solo during the difficult moments, and being kicked out right before you finish sucks bigtime.

  3. #23
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Draugkir View Post
    In my opinion VIPs should not have any afk timer.. but 60 minutes not bad.. no timer would be perfect :]
    I agree, I didnt even know there was any difference at all for timers.. Ever since I went VIP its the same annoying logout thing that's happening.
    I also think going afk should be allowed, not just for the dungeon thing, but also for all guild leaders, officers and interested people who want to know what's going on ingame when they come back from afk.
    Especially for a game like DDO, that still has some connection to role playing, one lives in the fantasy world, and forced logout is definately not a part of that. If I have to be VIP for that, no problem. But there has to be some option that allows you to be in the same spot without touching the keyboard for a longer period of time. It doesn't necessarily mean that because I am not hectically mashing my keyboard that I shouldn't be online. I for instance, don't mind sitting in the pub having long talks with guildies over VoIP.. And before you know, that popup comes again. And more often than not, there is being digged into links to character builds and other, and then you just want to check a skill ingame... but you're logged out again..

    So yeah, indeed, like someone else already commented, the benefits of being VIP shouldn't be so watered down, I think people who pay for the game should have the benefits of being VIP as a real VIP in the ddo world. You're also not telling a real life VIP to please move aside now because they haven't payed attention to the camera's for a while..

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