I am a little bored here at work today, so I thought I would pass the time by relating a couple things that I have heard while working as a medic.
Let me first give a little background. I have been a paramedic for about 13 years, I was trained in Daytona Beach FL, worked for 10 years in Charlotte NC at MEDIC, and then worked for almost 3 years in Pinellas County FL (Sunstar). Both Charlotte and Pinellas County (which includes St. Petersburg and Clearwater, among others) are very busy systems with a wide range of patients.
Recently I accepted a job as a private contract paramedic and am currently in Tikrit, Iraq at COB Speicher. I now do mainly occupational injuries and illnesses, which is a far cry from being a street medic in a major urban center. The temperature here is only 117 today (44ish centigrade) which is actually not as bad as it has been. It has hit 140 here, which is pretty extreme.
Today at the clinic a person had the complaint of (and I am NOT making this **** up): "I almost got bit by a mouse" It was all I could do to not burst out laughing. Several loud "guffaws" were heard from one of the other rooms here, but no one will fess up to it. I am still unsure of what medical treatment he thought he needed for "almost" being bitten by a mouse. I would have expected the average person who accepts a job in IRAQ of all places to be prepared to deal with a little hardship, but apparently I was mistaken.
Many years ago I was working the night shift in Charlotte. at around 0300 (3am for you non-military time keeping folks) we were called out for a general illness. Normally we refer to these types of calls as "Basic Service" or BS (yes, that kind of BS). We found a 35 year old male in bed with the the chief complaint of (and I quote): "Every time I lay down to go to sleep I feel like I am lapsing into unconsciousness". This tool actually insisted on being transported to the hospital, and medics n most areas are not allowed to refuse transport to anyone that requests it, for any reason. We tried to explain to him that sleep was natural, and something GOOD. I think my exact words were along the lines of "You are 35 years old... PLEASE tell me you have gone to sleep before NOW!" When we got to the hospital and gave the RN the report she just looked at me like I was crazy, to which I replied "I could not make this **** up if I tried".
Another one... again, aout 0300. Called for a pregnency emergency. Most Pregnency emergencies are Basic Service calls (I think you are catching on now), and this one was better than most. we found a woman standing at the corner of the road, she was obviously preggo and had 2 suitcases and a bag with her.. We pulled up and asked why she called. She responded "I need to get downtown and taxi cabs don't take medicare" "hmmmm....ummmm...uhhhh..ok m'am, just step up into the ambulance". She gave us name of Betty SMith or some such, an address that did not exist and requested transport to the downtown hosptal (Carolinas Medical Center). I am 99.999% positive that everything she told us about herself was a lie. When we got to the hospital she jumped out, walked in the triage doors, by the time we grabbed out computer and followed her in, she was exiting out the front doors and walking to the road, where a car was waiting for her. Those are your tax dollars hard at work.. an ambulance ride starts at around $350 and goes up from there...
If anyone is interested I can go on for hours, so let me know if you want some more