Would like to trade for a large scale and large stone....
Would like to trade for a large scale and large stone....
Ok...been trying to do this trade for a few days in game....
Asking too much?
I am wondering because no one is saying "Good Luck with that"
Just straight up, no resonses.
Good luck with that.
You asked for it. Naw, but for real I don't know what that ring is worth.
Based upon the grind I am going through to get that ring, I would make the trade. BUT - I am on Argo....sorry.
Mind you I am getting a good ratio of scales to runs - not getting any chains but that is life.
gotta to kick at the darkness til it bleeds daylight - B. Cockburn
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I may have clogged the forum a bit...
Made the trade....
It was a rather unique...supply/demand thing....
Thanks Spoon (for the input) and g/l getting your ring!
I guess I'm late to post, but for what it's worth, if I were in the market for the ring (I have enough, so I'm not), I would have found your offer to be a bargain. Flip side, if I had the ring to trade, I would not accept just 1 scale+stone. This might be because I find farming the desert to suck the joy out of living, while I still have fun in the shroud.
Asking too much?
Yeap!.. I bought yerstaday. 350kpp... Everytime i see this price!