Aylin, while looking at your two screenshots, it seems that the 3rd attack sequence has somehow disappeared
If i look at the SS in fire stance we have :
18+31 to hit // 19 dam // Attack 1
4+31 to hit // 18 dam // Off hand proc attack 1 OR Attack 2
15+31 to hit // 11 dam // Attack 2 OR Off hand proc attack 2
7+41 to hit // 19+500 dam // +41 should mean Attack 4 !!!
7+41 to hit // 21+500 dam // +41 should mean Attack 4 or Off hand proc attack 4
14+41 to hit // 11+500 dam // +41 should mean Attack 4 or Off hand proc attack 4
Question is : what happened to the +36 3rd attack....and why 3 dice rolls for attack 4
Same thing can be seen (though less obvious) in air stance we have :
8+33 to hit // 20 dam // Attack 1
15+33 to hit // 17 dam // Proc (off hand or double strike) attack 1 OR Attack 2
1(+??) // miss // i highly suspect this an attack or proc attack from attack 2
16+43 to hit // 13+500 // +43 should mean Attack 4 !!!
14+43 to hit // 16+500 // +43 should mean Attack 4 or Off hand/DS proc attack 4
16+43 to hit // 22+500 // +43 should mean Attack 4 or Off hand/DS proc attack 4
2+43 to hit // 14+500 // +43 should mean Attack 4 or Off hand/DS proc attack 4
13+43 to hit// 14+500 // +43 should mean Attack 4 or Off hand/DS proc attack 4
15+43 to hit // 17 // +43 should mean Attack 4 or Off hand proc/DS attack 4
Question is : what happened to the +38 3rd attack....and why 6 !!! dice rolls for attack 4
It almost looks like Attack 3 has been merged into Attack 4.
Maybe we re approaching the bug...