In case you didn't already notice, my posts that end with must NEVER EVER, under any circumstances, be taken seriously.
what would work really well for me is if I could click on something in the game and it would just tell me what color it was. I wander up to a wheel, hold down maybe like the control key, click and a little label appears: blue. unobtrusive for the colored folks, makes my life ever so much easier. it would be especially good if that worked on everything. "run down the green hallway" means very little to me... but I would settle for major components like colored puzzles and the like, if that's all we can get.
funny story. so I was trying to solo rainbow in the dark, of course not thinking of the rainbow. so I get to the end. huh. colors of the rainbow. awesome, colors have an order now too. who knew. my next door neighbor was doing yard work, so I called him over and had him solve the puzzle for me.
"work around"
NP, something that may help them help you and others also is to make a list of quests where this is an issue.
Some quests so long as you can see the symbol, I would think you would be ok. In other quests like Von 4 I can see where this could be an issue.
Having a list of problem quests would help them know which quests to make more of a priority in the realm of "fixes" that could be applied. It would also help them not miss quests.
And later if they do miss them, you can yell at them.
Tangleroot-witch doctor, CO6-last part, and Big Top in Carnival pack are 3 that come to mind off hand
"Fools said I, you do not know. Silence like a cancer grows, hear my words that I might teach you, take my hand that I might reach you, but my words like silent raindrops fell...."-Paul Simon "Day after day, we caught no breath or motion. As idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean."--Coleridge
Davarin 17 Cleric
Jolanos 15 Paladin/2 Fighter/2 Rogue
Kaethrine 8 Sorc
Daevanus 4 Fighter
I know this can be frustrating for some players, but we have a guildy who is completely color blind, and some of the most fun is getting him to do the wheels in Crucible and hearing him yell out 'potential' colors.
One possible suggestion: have the 'unlock' mechanisms for the wheel be character based so you would have to find the unlock mechanism, unlock the wheel, then a character on that unlock mechanism have what you are supposed to turn the wheel to.
Golyat, Thelonies, Mavete, Uzziah
I'm colorblind also. I can do the Tanglewood witch doctor, and some of the others.
The House P one, where you have the 2 different colors making the third, yeah anyways. Glad I was running that one solo.
Reavers, the first time I saw it I thought it wasn't bad, and then I saw them starting to flip through all the colors . Just seeing that puzzle still ticks me off.
There are times it's fun, but there are other times it's exceedingly frustrating. If my guildies or rl friends give me some grief, no biggie. If I'm in a pug, depending on how they acted, it's likely to make me go off. I'm glad I'm not as colorblind as somepeople, mainly blue/purple is my issue.
Last edited by LordPiglet; 08-26-2010 at 02:31 PM.
Did they never mention the color wheel/rainbow to ya in school? First thing they ever went over in my art class in elementary school. Color rainbow: ROY.G.BIV.
123 4 567
If you need a different way to think about it, it should just be a simple 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 (number of times to move back and forth onto the light) if none are lit. If some are lit up, I've only ever seen them lit up as a red and then just minus one based on position. Naturally I know you know the quest Chester, just offering some alternatives to think about it for future solo attempts
Although I do remember that one reaver we were in the one time in the pug group that asked you to do the puzzle
My colourblind friend solo'd reaver and did the puzzle, but it was tough for him
In case you didn't already notice, my posts that end with must NEVER EVER, under any circumstances, be taken seriously.
Wow I never even thought about bringing this up with the dev's. I've suffered through some quests only recall out because I suck at colors. I'll either call the wife over to help or if she's at work then my 5 year old helps me.
It really sucks!
it usually starts off blank, all red, or with some already lit. Do you see it where there's like a gray ring around it already or whatever color you might see it as? If you get there and they're all lit up, then assume 1,1,1,1,1,1,1 all the way around unless you have someone else with you who might notice a different color. I've yet to get there and have anything after R in ROYGBIV.
So if you assume that they're all lit when you get there you're at 1,1,1,1,1,1,1 and you need to get to the solution of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
your moves go as such (number of times to jump/move on and change color of button):
if you notice a problem with what you put there and it isn't right, to return home would be:
Maybe add an option in the UI settings to label the colors. This can be turned on/off whenever you want.
Nice to finally see a response to this issue.
I gave feedback about this during open beta and bug reported STK and Tangleroot for being difficult for the colorblind.
I posted in the forums before and after the game went live and again after the forums had a meltdown and most of the posts were lost.
Here's my post in the suggestions forum in 2007
Solutions yes can be come by but for some it is a lot more difficult to do as with color blindness.
I think the color blind people understand this and compensate for there lack in colors.
But it would be nice for turbine to look into some form of alternative to give them full access to alot of things.
Like I said people are smart and find ways to do it just be nice to have an alternative for them.
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